
Dachauer Volksfest: Was de Kameras der Polizei everything in Dachau

Dachauer Volksfest: Was de Kameras der Polizei everything in Dachau

The room is small and intact. They hang on the flight of the Volkshochschule. It is aimed at the bumper car at the Dachauer Volksfest. There is information on the Bauzaun in the direction of informative information and information about the film that is made by the Bereich. The lighting of the room flickers during life with a picture in a room in the former house of the erwachsenenbildung. Discover the Volksfest of the Polizei. The officers saw everything, was for the bumper car passion.

There are cases of police inspection in Dachau at the Volksfest with a video surveillance installation. Four rooms are a different sets of party installations. Once you have found a Orten, while the police identify the problem, if you visit the Bierzelten or the Durchgangsstraßen.

Grund für de Einsatz der Kameras ist, de Zahl der Sicherheitsstörungen, who Ordnungswidrigkeiten oder Straftaten, Angaben der Polizei zufolge auf dem Dachauer Volksfest in the Vergangenen Jahren zugommen hat. Once again the beam can be a manchen that all hands are full. Bereits am ersten Tag desjährigen Volksfestes habe man mithilfe der Kameras a “gefährliche Körperverletzung entdeckt and aufgezeichnet”, so Police Commissioner Florian Lipok. When Täter is offered to grab the head and carry it, the police can quickly find the video attachments.

“Wir müssen die manual start and weeder legs”

You can see the image of the four rooms on the two images in the police celebration at the festival. There is a stock of the most evil erwachsenenbildungshauses, who watch the folk festivals of BRK and Feuerwehr, before they reach the entrance of the Wache. Here we can turn our relations and relations directly to the police and a Hilfe beeten or Anzeigen raise.

In one of the spärliche einrichtingen of the room, when we saw the picture, when we saw live, the four room was a fangen. The range of the video surveillance system is the announcement of the rivers with a trennwand-abgegrenzt. Where the einsatzzeiten in a polyclinic way come to the fore, are the two Bildschirmen and the Geschehen of Thoma-Wiese. This is the room and the cord of the bedarf-einsatzkräfte, which is found in der Menge.

If the bundle has a Security Störung, and also Schubserien or Streitigkeiten, there can be a Manual Startup of the Start, one of the Straftat zu dokumentieren. “Here you will be taken into account in your own right by law,” the Dachau Police said in writing. As a result of the strict policy requirements, the Aufnahmen and the Staatsanwaltschaft-übergeben became, and the Aufnahme einfach wieder was subsequently resolved. When the gelände stirs everything, the image of the room is completely live, but nothing is wrong.

Schwarze Balken über Privatgebäuden

The beams can leave the room and make a large hem. If the room has fallen out of the room, it is one of the two black squares on the mold and the view of the castle, a great home user or another house. “The system automatically places beams over private buildings”, explains Lipok. You can view the video surveillance of the private sphere of residents and residents by the Darstellenden protected. “Our deployment area is really only the Volksfest site”, explains Chief of Police Michael Herrmann. Before the video storage of the system is inspected by the Bavarian State Data Protection Officers.

One of four cameras at the Dachauer Volksfest. (Photo: Toni Heigl)
Polizist Florian Lipok sits in front of two Bildschirmen, on the Bewegtbild der Kameras-übertragen wird. (Photo: Toni Heigl)
There is, was a “Problempunkten” passion. (Photo: Toni Heigl)

Other popular festivals have been of great help to the police with video surveillance measures. At the Straubinger Gäubodenvolksfest or the Münchner Oktoberfest the room was prepared for the coming years. The police have a preventive effect in the room. “People overthink their stories in conflict situations or the protection of criminal penalties, if they erase them, the cameras are vorhanden”, thus the Lipok.

If it works well, it is first the end of the folk festivals with the certainty. The service of the Folk Festival is aimed at the sex of the 17-year-old age, and at an 18-year-old age there is a service of the Sicherheitsdienst in the Gesicht, which does not prevent the control of the room.

A Cannabis Ban at the Bavarian Folk Festival, gilded from August 1st, seems to be the most popular folk festival visitors day to stop every fall. The police have now registered a few cases, while the marijuana is sold, it is called. If you feel that the police are no longer personal, you can do that. It is a fine.