
Conchita Wurst: «Flirts are my pleasure»

Conchita Wurst: «Flirts are my pleasure»

You have won the ESC for 10 years. Would you like to spend some time in your life or do you want to spend time with them?

Neuwirth: It all comes like this, who is so. If you are a grateful person by nature, if you hate that moment and have everything, then your passion is one of the most important things or a community of people. If the war exists for one of the privileges, then the situation is in the role daring, which is played. Nothing disastrous I have me, after Loreen has now won again, thought: “After all, I have to do that now too?” (laughs). If I am a competitive person, I think: “Now I will also erase it again”. When the right song comes – back to authenticity – I find, it has to come really naturally. When I think about it, it is the song and the vision, then it will never be so good. But that is not the case. To answer the question: I am an extreme traveler, in my current situation during the Eurovision Song Contest. If it is like that, it is so passive, who is passive.