
Weinfest opening net – Erlenbach starts in the Ausnahmezustand

Weinfest opening net – Erlenbach starts in the Ausnahmezustand

Opening Weinfest Erlenbach for R

There is no romantic flair anymore during the idyllic gas, the factory worker and the lie with flower decorations or the great culinary fear. The original Erlenbacher Weinfest is a magnet, but it is a credible Treffpunkt. Photos: Berger Photo: Berger, Mario

For the Gemeinde am Fuße des Kaybergs is this that Event of the Year: the Original Erlenbacher Weinfest. Naturally, the Eröffnung der 46. Auflage am Freitagabend gebührend gefeiert. When the weather is better, the market place is having a great experience. Parts of the wine festival march “In Erlenbach am Kay trink’ den Wein und sei dabei” of the Feder des Erlenbacher Conductors Marco Rogalski mitgesungen and fittingly the four-tele trollinger in the high values.

A beautiful Montage will always be in Erlenbach with everything in mind: a noble Tropfen, strong traditional music, wonderful Swabian Specialties, Gemütlichkeit and for all the Beisammensein.

Weinfest Erlenbach is open: 150 different wines and sects

Versprochen ist versprochen: Punkt 18 Uhr plus eight Minuten eröffnen Erlenbachs Bürgermeister Uwe Mosthaf und der Vorsitzende des Festvereins, Florian Diefenbach, de Festbetrieb. “I am happy, my time and conditions are good, the wine we have here is not ours,” says Diefenbach. There is a solution for using the new Weißwein-Slush to try. There is great joy at the wine festival that has been in the heart of the Leute, the mayor Uwe Mosthaf is ready and thanks for the Vereinen and Bewirtschaftern, ohne that es that Veranstaltung nicht gebe.

“Bei 150 Weinen und Sekten ist für jeden etwas dabei. Haben Sie Spaß en een good Zeit.’ Whoever it is, it is not the case that a powerful Schluck from the übergroßen Römer is under siege.

Besuch auf dem Weinfest ist Tradition

If an evil Erlenbacherin comes with Maria Mack with her Mann Dieter, she will be busy with the eruption of the Weinfestes for years. Diesmal since sie mit dem Rad aus Weinsberg rüber geradelt. “That’s the tradition. A certain atmosphere has been created, the music and the man fell in a different way, “so beautiful. Am Weinstand des Musikvereins hat Joachim Renz schon jetzt einen Riecher dafür, welcher Tropfen dieses Jahr das Rennen machen wird: “Der Sauvitage, a halbtrockener Weißwein.” Nicht zu trocken, nicht zu süß, findet auch Helga Bauer: “Lecker.”

The next day

The program started for the morning at 17:30 during the Württemberg Wine Queen Larissa Salcher for a round about the Original Erlenbacher Weinfest vor. On Sunday at 9:30 a ökumenischer Gottesdienst took place. Tip for the Rathaus is 13 o’clock play and spa game for children with another children’s make-up. Outside, several regional Blaskapellen play again. Am on the way to Buttenlauf gegeneinander an on the 14th hour. There is a Children’s Challenge gift. At 22 o’clock the Zwiebelkönigin was crowned. red