
“TKKG”, “Fünf Freunde”, “???”: Heikedine Körting über ihr Erfolgsgeheimnis |

“TKKG”, “Fünf Freunde”, “???”: Heikedine Körting über ihr Erfolgsgeheimnis |

Status: 17.08.2024 06:00 hrs

In the children’s room they run on and on: the famous horspiele of “TKKG”, the “Fünf Freunden” or the “???”. Make sure that the production of Heikedine Körting, the most common horspiel producer of the world, is performed. A portrait.

Heikedine Körting goes with insulting Ohren through the World. Immerse yourself in the food you use. The sounds for your production will be suitable for a Sprecherstimme aus. However long it takes before the Schauspieler* is used to weld itself, erzählt Heikedine Köting auf dem roten Sofa at DAS!. For example, the Dietrich set of detectives Peter Shaw from “Die drei ???” is also present at the entrance to the table. Schauspieler Jens Wawrczeck lets the key fall at Sprechen klimpern.

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Der Schauspieler Jens Wawrczeck in Porträt. © Christian Hartmann Photo: Christian Hartmann

51 minutes

Jens Wawrczeck is the voice of Peter Shaw in “Die drei ???”. There is a series and a white series, which continues. 51 minutes

Abtauchen in another Welt – in an alten Villa in Hamburg

If you study the Jura, you will become a journalist in your own right. Stattdessen ask for more than 50 years of Millionen von Kindern, reimburse their own Welten from Tönen and Geräuschen erschafft. Über 2,000 Geschichten hat die Produzentin in ihrem Studio in der alten Villa in Hamburg aufgenommen. Entertainment since my life: “Against my life, my life is alive and well. Then I’m always: Film ab!”, so Körting.

Delivery of generations later, own Guinness Record

A woman sits on a single table. Connect the microphone. © photo alliance/dpa | Georg Wendt

Das Tonstudio von Heikedine Körting is located in the Rothenbaumchaussee in Hamburg. Here the Schauspieler*innen meet to produce a follow-up. Die Drei Fragezeichen meet here four times a year.

More than 50 million copies were produced by the Tonträger der “Die drei ???”-Hörspiele verkauft – all production in Körtings Studio. If you surrender an amount of 150 Gold and Platinum records, you can earn an income in the Guinness book with a obtainable prize. “That three???” since the great show production world. Heikedine Körting modestly comments on this: “I was lucky to have those golden Schallplatten und Platin. Aber deserved to have all their sister’s. I was happy with my Schauspieler und Autoren und alles, was dazu gehört.” Inzwischen keeps more generations busy in his timepiece: Die Kinder, for the power and the Eltern, who has become damn big.

“Die???” Aus America after Hamburg

Ursprünglich kommen “Die drei ???” in America, where “The Three Investigators” existed – and there were a lot of problems. Heikedine Körting does not remember well, who is first with the Fragezeichen in Berührung kam: “I had a great love for production and a great march. I have always had children with a brainstorming experience, would play with the children with my brothers and the children from the nightlife and how did it go: Was the war a bit, if you thought that you would have experienced a war here? It is such an imaginative world and super exciting.

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Oliver Rohrbeck, Jens Wawrczeck and Andreas Fröhlich on the Roten Sofa. © NDR

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Oliver Rohrbeck, Jens Wawrczeck and Andreas Fröhlich are like “Die drei ???” ins Buch der Rekorde abolished. At DAS! Synchronization de Hollywood, de brechen Knochen und erklären were Synchron-Rülpsen ist. 2 minutes

Sport for production, it’s a real sound

Look at the three actors of the three detectives who are in the middle of the cult. There can be no complaints that do not occur quickly in the first phase. “The three have all had no strong voices,” Heikedine Körting says. “If you no longer see a child, it is no longer Oliver or Jens or Andreas, but you will see it. They speak normally, bloß vom Sinn haar een bisschen fröhlicher, kindlicher.”

Oliver Rohrbeck, the first detective Justus Jonas speaks, erzählt, is his other person so often traveled, that Heikedine Körting has in the Studio. There is a man who is aware of the upward pressure, but it is really a matter of: Zum Beispiel, that is one of the first gyms that probably should first exercise, if they are in a certain war in that heavy war, never see anything more. Then you should make a run of the street and run, wieder in the studio got there and so quickly start with the start-up.

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Karin Lieneweg shoots in another film magazine © Screenshot

Karin Lieneweg was absent from the Anfänge des Fernsehens in Hamburg. I am convinced that the work can be performed as a speaker. more

“That three???” were not taken seriously

The actresses and actresses sit in the Körtings Studio with tatsächlich together and the big runden Tisch for the Mikros, if they get a sequel. That is no longer the case. Often were “ge-xt” stimulated, that they became an addition and später in the production.

If you are sitting at home, it becomes more lively, so Körting. “Then it can be like that and it is freer. Other women are always alive, because both productions are not so real, because this is what happened.”

TKKG – Die four friends since Lower Saxony

The four friends Tim, Karl, Klößchen and Gaby, who were able to express themselves as TKKG, have moved on a few times, while Heikedine has become Körting. 1979 inheritance Rolf Kalmuczak alias Stefan Wolf TKKG as Jugendbuchreihe. You play high school at the Internatsgymnasium Pädagogium in Bad Sachsa in the Lower Saxony Harz – der Schule von Stefan Wolf. Dort gehen die vier Freunde bis heute hin. Sie also since Lower Saxony. 1981 perhaps the first Hörspiel, produced by Körting at Label Europa. Seit 43 Jahren los TKKG Kriminalfälle.

Provide the right incentives

“I am an absolute horror”, says Heikedine Körting. Once you have been to the theater and heard on the radio program, then it is a good idea. You can appeal to the following. Many stimuli, which are used as children for their production, have become a bit of a playwright. If it were so that Erfolg hadte, gibt es nog Träume, die generne noch verwirklichen würde: “Ich willte immer mal eennen Kinofilm machen.”

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NDR Culture | TIE! | 13.08.2024 | 6:45 PM

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