
Galeria Karstadt in Augsburg schließt: Who else is there?

Galeria Karstadt in Augsburg schließt: Who else is there?

Der Räumungsverkauf in der Augsburger Galeria Karstadt-Filiale lockt zahlreiche Menschen an. If the stock works have not yet been sold, something may come on the market after a schnäppchen. A young family tries to spend a lot of time in a more productive way after their home. After 80 minutes, you spend a lot of time playing with Klamotten, 70 days with a coffee machine. The Schlange vor der Kasse is long.

Galeria Karstadt schließt: Kunden sind traurig

A young woman has bought the sweater – but that Freud is the story of the Schließung der Karstadt-Filiale: “I find it so damaging, because the Mitarbeiter is concerned, the whole Stimmung is tragic. We all in Augsburg asked us, was here as Nächstes hinkommt,” said the Kundin. “Wenn man da durchgeht, das ist setzlich”, said an old gentleman and meint that the lonely teaching came from the Räumungsverkaufs.

80 Mitigating losers in Job

Since August 24, the Galeria-Filiale in the Augsburger Innenstadt will continue to thrive, with 80 job losses in mind. Trauer und Fassungslosigkeit bei de Beschäftigten were groß, as End April der angeschlagene Handelskonzern Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof bekannt gibt, the Augsburger Warenhaus aufzugeben.

“We are now making light out of it”, said a Mitarbeiterin, who has been living his life at Karstadt in Kaufhaus equipment hat, over 40 years long. “Das tut weh, das is wie een Stück Familie”. If you no longer have a new Job, as the Augsburgerin, other people have found a new Stelle. If this is the case, it is the quadruple bankruptcy abroad, it is a miter hat. Quickly all the lost employees are very long dabei. The young people should take the time to eat more.

Further building usage is not yet clear

Who is it with the Gebäude, in the best low want in the Augsburger Innenstadt, how further? It is an idea to make a design of a Roman Museum, a Bürgerbüro, a Hochschullabor, a Fitnessstudio or a Fachmark. If you can make a nutzungskonzepte, this is not the case. Laut Oberbürgermeisterin Eva Weber (CSU) is divorced and was the owner of the real estate agency, the Solidas Immobilien and Grundbesitz GmbH.

Daniel Utz von Solidas said about a city stratssitzung, it became the Firma with Bestandsmietern about the Nutzung des Gebäudes. Das Untergeschoss became a big deal from Aldi. Solidas stehe ausserdem with fun others single-handlers in Contact. Utz concrete aber also: “The House is completely free.” Aktuell labor de Firma und Machbarkeitsstudiesn für die Obergeschosse: “Was definitiv nicht mehr geht, ist Einzelhandel”, said Utz.

Handelsverband Bayern sees great opportunities

The Augsburg District Manager Andreas Gärtner of the Bavarian Trade Association (HBE) saw the free time of the Flächen – 17,000 quadratmeter – as a great opportunity for the total city center, “in a few modern and sustainable ways the chance of a new road will be increased,” says Gärtner.

The inner city and the lower buildings have excellent living conditions, one of the areas of future orientation was further developed. In the light of the trade associations, “another use of the lower building for the aftercare organization, a development of the lower buildings and the first upper buildings for more modern commercial concepts that are of economic significance”, says Gärtner. The upper buildings were eventually developed well. “The new orientation towards the exponential real estate offers the opportunity, a ‘highlight’ for the attractiveness, attractive, sustainable and urban, that is the positive influence of the inner city.”