
Who helps AI at St. Bernard Hospital

Who helps AI at St. Bernard Hospital

Dr. Hilmar Kühl can identify himself as one of the universities of Essen with the first AI basic research in radiological diagnostic tests. Today, well 10 years apart, radiologists one of the Chief Physician Hilmar Kühl several times a day on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Thoracic Diagnostics at the St. Bernard Hospital in Kamp-Lintfort. Invest in the Krankenhaus in Kamp-Lintfort in Seine Technik. So the installation is at the end of 2023 of the first Philips computed tomography system (CT) of a new generation. These are no longer indispensable, but with modern AI-stimulated functions, concrete Kühl.

“KI is an improvement for our patients, the superior health care providers, and for the patients,” says the Head of Radiology. “Vom Doktor-Hologramm from the Fernseh-Series Star Trek has never been discovered like this,” says the chef and says that “the active KI-Hype” is a bit worse. “Bei der Künstlichen Intelligenz, die in de Krankenhäusern nutzen, als een KI-trainierte Anwendung, die nicht in laufenden Betrieb met Daten aus Kamp-Lintfort self-learned.” It is not the case that you Anwendung alle EU -weiten Anforderungen an Sicherheit , Health and Environment Protection (CE) heritage. “Requested is a consistent, universally applicable and controllable quality,” says private doctor Dr. Kühl, who worked at St. Bernard Hospital for eight years, and who also treats patients with the fear of artificial intelligence that is found in science fiction. Movies can have their own personal touch.

If you want to learn how to detect lying lies, so by the chef. “The AI ​​learns in a training field of the Developing segregated data sets. The control work can still take a long time. The radiologist is also no exaggerated profession”, says Kühl. A number of questions for radiology is their Hunderte, weiß der Mediziner. If you see the AI ​​bases in the diagnosis, you do not know what the Knackpunkte is. “Modern Bildgebung generates a lot of data. With another CT he has made a quarter of 2023 of 1.3 million photos, with the new scanner a quarter of those years can be on 2.6 million.

“Der Bedarf und Solchen Unterstützungstechniken ist in der Radiologie groß. “They can be seen in a warm environment,” he says. If Hilmar Kühl receives good investment quality and security through the Einsatz of KI-basierten, it will be worthwhile for those considering it. “Gleichzeitig muss man sich fragen, who fell a sichere Diagnose more wert ist“, concrete of Radiology for the background, the Krankenhäuser sets the budget in the Blick on müssen. The KI-understützte Technology entails costs. Pay-per-use is a hit here. “The health system should become more difficult,” Hilmar Kühl quickly summarizes the problem. Another problem with the fragmentation is that the training data for the AI ​​is generated. It may be that a basic assumption is definitive.

The St. Bernard Hospital has been involved in the Teleradiology Association for a long time. Dabei operates with a network, more than 700 hospitals and medical centers are listened to. This network does not work more than a secure transmission of the Uni-Kliniken-beispielsweise. If you want to spend more years on the possibility of explaining a KI loss by the payment of the Beispiel Lungen-Befunden from various research questions to benefits – sousagen as a digital secondary conclusion. The data were analyzed by the intelligent intelligence. “Human and machine in the Four-eye principle. There is a higher security of the funds, explains the Chief Physician of Radiology.

The lung function of the hospital at St. Bernard Hospital is a diagnosis in the diagnosis. If that is so, then Hilmar Kühl is fragmented in the area as an expert. Tests come from all of NRW. Kühl: “So we are acquiring our expertise.”

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