
Historical History: Fire at Somerset House in London

Historical History: Fire at Somerset House in London

Rauch steps out of the roof of Somerset House in the centre of London.

Aufatmen in London: Der Brand im Somerset House konnte eingedämmt zijn.

Source: AP/Shivansh Gupta

In Somerset House in London, when the Kulturzentrum is open, the war is one of the events that took place. Rund 120 Helfer was in Einsatz and could the Brand bis zum Abend endämmen. The teams are busy with the fire herd, which says a Feuerwehr-Sprecherin am Abend. No one was lost, the Ursache des Feuers was certainly unclear.

Wertvolle Kunstsammlung bleibt verschont

In the historical heritage, the Courtauld Gallery is not used, with works by Vincent van Gogh, Édouard Manet and Paul Cézanne. The art collaboration was never agreed upon by the director of the Somerset-House-Stiftung, Jonathan Reekie.

Das Feuer sei am Samstag in een Ecke des gegenüberliegenden Westflügels ausgebrochen, in dem unter zijnem Buros lie. Video aufnahmen says that the Feuer has created a Loch in the Dach des Gebäudes hatte.

The Gebäude is the most closed, the Courtauld Gallery will use the Angaben so often.

Somerset House on 18. Jahrhundert is new

The history of Somerset House goes back several centuries. The original Somerset House was founded in 1547 by the late Duke of Somerset, Edward Seymour. Check the usage and quickly move on 250 years to new usage. The king of Queen Elizabeth I. will go through the throne for a long time, before he ascended the throne.

The inner courtyard of the building complexes is regularly for the veranstaltungen, in the winter from the beispiel to the ice rink. During the war a Breakdance-Veranstaltung was planned, the fight was broken off.

The area is close to Covent Garden, where the Parliament Quarter with the clock tower of Big Ben and St. Paul’s Cathedral is located in the city.

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