
Bezirksprojekt der LJ Bezirk Braunau: Erstes Landjugend STREET-FOOD-FESTIVAL in Mattighofen

Bezirksprojekt der LJ Bezirk Braunau: Erstes Landjugend STREET-FOOD-FESTIVAL in Mattighofen

Ben August 24, 2024 It is one of the last things: The Landjugend Bezirk Braunau veranstaltet gemeinsam met 15 Ortsgruppen das first Landjugend Street Food Festival and spread, will be a highlight of the summer. Under the motto “International Worlds – Regional Roots” it is a fact that the international cuisine is on deck. The festival unites Genuss, Kultur and Gemeinschaft in a unique event.

The visitors can on the front square of the KTM Motohall a stamp pass is there, with which they can cost themselves a colorful selection an international speisen. It is possible to use a ​​Veggie stamp pass. The different essences were formed by 15 groups from the company, who carried out their own credit-oriented presentations.

Exclusive: Recipe boxes such as Sammlerstück & Schätzspiel with tollen Gewinnen

Another highlight of the festivals are the exclusive Recipe Boxes, which work in the form of the gestaltet projects of their projects. The engraved Woodboxes have received a collection of 30 Recipe Cards with international messages, which were put together by the local groups of the Landjugend. Each card is no longer focused on the orientation, but on its cultural development. The Boxes can be purchased for the local area and offer a great opportunity to buy the World Cuisine at home. This is a perfect gift as a present! Before you get a Schatzspiel with spinning tops of the main prize, it is so that the man who is loaded, mitzumachen!

A festival for all sins

If the culinary heritage occurs, the country will engage in a rapid rahmen program. “City vibes” Mattighofen, the zeitgeist that offers live music and music from artists, is for the perfect unterhaltung-sorgt. From 15 o’clock it’s off!

Die Landjugend Bezirk Braunau happily spend my time there!