
‘Who is responsible for the Traffic Wende?’ at Arte…tation

‘Who is responsible for the Traffic Wende?’ at Arte…tation

Heute, am 18.08.2024, läuft “Wie gelingt die Verkehrswende?” I am Fernsehen. If you would like to see the documentation “Metropolises in Bewegung”, you can read here. Außerdem: All information about live stream and viewing see an overview of the TV-Termine of “Wie gelingt die Verkehrswende?”.
War “Who is responsible for the Verkehrswende?” with “Metropolises in Movement” on keinen Fall verpassen möchte, sollte um 06:35 O’clock In the case of art, it is worth ending the transmission. If you prefer digital distance viewing: Art also offers a live stream online.

“Who handles the Traffic Wende?” Heute im Live-Stream und TV: Darum geht es in “Metropoles in Bewegung”

City planners and politicians respond to the Frage, who can provide space for a future population: In Paris, the Bürgermeisterin Anne Hidalgo will block the Stadtautobahn on the Seineufer and build his Flaniermeile. In Barcelona a massive equipment was developed, and in Denmark Fahrradschnellstraßen were established, connecting the city in the country.

“Who handles the Traffic Wende?” am 18.08.2024: Wiederholung von “Metropolen in Bewegung” online in der Arte-Mediathek Arte and im TV

They were “Wie gelingt die Verkehrswende?” heute um 06:35 Uhr nicht schauen können? Werfen Sie just a view in the Arte-Mediathek. Find your TV broadcast after the Australian broadcast online as Video on Demand to stream. In art on TV, the leader of wiederholung is geben. In der Regel you will find the transmission to the TV-Ausstrahlung online vor. Leader gilded that is not for all messages.

“Wie gelingt die Verkehrswende?”: All and information about a Blick

Date: 18.08.2024

Bee: Art

Theme: “Documentation”

Year of production: 2022

Length: 55 minutes (from 06:35 to 07:30)

In HD: Yes