
Kultur-News Häppcheweis: Was de Luxemburger Kulturszene bewegt

Kultur-News Häppcheweis: Was de Luxemburger Kulturszene bewegt

Was this week’s cultural culture gone? How come the public is no longer interested? The Tageblatt rushes the most common events and great happenings.

E Magasinn op Pabeier maach anachronistische wierken, iwwerlieft een netto zäitgeméiss sinn. If you have an idea, if you look at a digital digital world, you can do something about it, a routine broadcast, get loose, be on the verge, there is a chance to do something different.

Team from the Mierscher TheaterCommentary on the publication of the new culture magazines “Carisma”

KULTUR “Mierscher Theater” launches Magazine “Carisma”

After the Names of the Kulturmagazine: First publication of the “Mierscher Kulturhaus” in the “Mierscher Theater” will be published in this in-house magazine “Carisma”. Jenes is very tired of writing articles and stops reporting, news reports and interviews in Luxembourgish, German and Französisch. “With that magazine, the creative purchasing in Luxembourg and documenting the art of the arts, indem with the creation of a book in your consultation and erwartungen bieten“, in the press conference of the publication. A year later, Das Magazin became one of the bestsellers. Dafür reicht es, eine Mail a [email protected] with Angabe der eigenen Postanschrift zu schicken. “Fun fact” from Schluss: The name is inspired by the Begriff Marisca – so the Romans called Mersch.


Photo projects are carried out by the creation of “assistance to the creation and dissemination of photography” of the “Centre national de l’audiovisuel” in the year 2009 since the year 2009

PHOTOGRAPHY Liz Lambert has received a CNA grant

With photos of her chosen Liz Lambert a grant: walking Schafe
With photos of her chosen Liz Lambert a grant: walking Schafe Photo: Liz Lambert

18 files are ready, which the jury has assessed: Liz Lambert’s photo has been awarded the year of the stipend ‘Assistant in the creation and dissemination of photography’ from the ‘Centre national de l’audiovisuel’ (CNA). Dieses Jahr stand de Vergabe der finanziellen Unterstützung in Zusammenhang mit der Ausstellung “Luga – Luxembourg Urban Garden”, which was found in 2025. The environment for a free environment includes urban gardens, landscape and art installations as well as rural projects and living spaces. In the Sin of Autodidact Lambert it is one of the ways in which the human and the level of the company are viewed: the supported project becomes more money worth to help one of the sheep farms of Luxembourg, the fuß with the damage of the Weide to see the Meadow. A previous world culture, established by UNESCO in 2023, was a fact. “What meaning does practice have for our present and future society, who crosses a bridge between rural and urban spaces and who strives for the preservation of “Does art fail?”, asked the Fragen, when Lambert was allowed to continue. If you have money left over, you can take a picture of a recording in the CNA and present your work on the “Luga” stand.

EXPO Nouvelle saison au Casino

Photo: Max Kreis

Inauguration in September 2020 by an exhibition collective “Andra tutto bene” marked by the era of sanitary insecurity that made the Casino Display offer the young creation of spaces and exhibition opportunities and residences in the old Konschthaus at Engel au Marché-aux-Poissons. As the new programming begins, it enriches the artists’ residencies and explores the programs intended to perpetuate creativity and cultural change. Artist Max Kreis has set up a residency in a university environment (September and October 2024), organized within the framework of a three-year partnership with the University of Luxembourg. The multimedia artist, a conference and development autodidact who is working on automatic algorithms, the vision of the driver and the motor skills, and collaboration with the researchers of the university, and a private ceux du Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine. The artist in the Pays-Bas and in Hong Kong, Serene Hui, takes place in the new international residence of artistic research (November to February). “There are several projects that implicitly contain a discursive, artistic and political exploration of their immediate environment and presentation of objects of social, political and experiential objects”, apprend-on. An artist of Luxembourg base, who “quotidien the collection of details of insignificant things from the environment to tangibly represent the unnoticeable and the almost nothing”, Sam Krack sera in an artistic residency of March 2025.

The Casino announces that the publication of a laboratory for artistic research will explore the notions of echoes and their results in the collaboration on artistic research. In the framework, the foundations are laid for the post-master program that will continue the day of the upcoming academic year in partnership with Ensad Nancy and HEAR – Haute école des arts du Rhin. Finally, at Casino Luxembourg, Stilbé Schroeder and Charles Rouleau present a curatorial experimental project entitled “Boogie”.

EVENT Speaking in Portuguese?

The “Institut Pierre Werner” and Partner Organizations load on Donnerstag, September 26 at 6:30 PM At the end of the “Nacht der Sprachen” (Abbaye de Neumünster, 28, rue Münster, Luxembourg-Grund) Wer een feuerwerk van de Sprachenvielfalt erwartet, would bwar enttäuscht – de Veranstaltungen beschränken sich auf Luxembourgish, Deutsch, Französisch and Portugiesisch –, dennoch klingt das Angebot perhaps versprenchend: Der Abend started with a Kurzvortrag des Verlagskaufmanns Carsten Pfeiffer über deutsche Sprache (19 0.05 hours); follow a Quiz of Luxembourgish and the cultural culture of the “Zentrum fir d’Lëtzebuerger Sprooch” (7:30 PM) – with the knowledge of Luxembourgish knowledge – and a Kurzbeitrag (8:00 PM, in Portuguese with French Simultaneous Setzung) by Professor Zulm Ira Santos about the Rolle der portugiesischen Sprache vom 15. Jahrhundert bis heute. Zum Abschluss gibt is a concert of French music and poet by Lisa Ducasse (8:30 PM) and a sectmpfang with Finger-Food from the Luxembourg office of the European Parliament (9:00 PM). Nebenbei can view the published “Komplett Kafka” by the Comic-Zeichners Nicolas Mahler, see an information stand of the general management “Oversetzung” of the European Parliament for more information and a gainnspiel of the Goethe-Institutes. The Eintritt zur Veranstaltung is free. More information at