
Mittelmeer-Diät has conducted research into Sterberisiko

Mittelmeer-Diät has conducted research into Sterberisiko

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  3. Health

There is a problem in the Mediterranean cuisine with many types, fish, olives and fish, it is a long time. An active study now said that the Middle Lake Diät auf de Sterberisiko auswirken can be.

Fulda – A few people who want to make money want to have a broader business and a bigger head start. These intake forms, tricks and diets are uncanny cases. When the Wahl is optimal, the things that matter and the treatment do not last long. Voorschende der Harvard University in the US there is no refinancing now, a Mediterranean analysis of best practices in weight reduction.

Every woman can make a meal in the Mediterranean cuisine of the starberry, so that it is in a foursome. The results were in the Fachmagazine Jama Network Open published.

Aktuelle Studie said: Mittelmeer-Diät kan Sterberisiko verringern

Women who are strong in a Mediterranean period will last longer when they die, but not more. That very much a new study, in der more than 25,000 women were observed for 25 years. Dazu analyzes the Wissenschaftler Blood Probes, Biomarker and Recognition Data. It is very: the treatment with a high dose, the quality of the product and the heart fats are high, the insulin regulation of the body is effective, the blood pressure is healthy and the weight of the control, writes

Mittelmeer-Diät has conducted research into Sterberisiko
A Mediterranean diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables works like a charm for life-extending women. © Image source/Image

“Für Frauen, who have a long-term interest since, say our study, because the Einhaltung eines Mediterraneans Ernährungsmusters zu a Verringerung des Sterberisikos um etwa a Viertel über einen Zeitraum of more than 25 years fuhren könnte”, explains the guiding Study autorin Dr. Samia Mora, Cardiologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, published in the Nachrichtenmagazin CNN. The middle-aged diet reduces the risks for a high incidence of illnesses with Krebs and cardiovascular diseases.

Healthy Vorteile der Mittelmeer-Diät:

  • Lower LDL cholesterol and remove HDL cholesterol
  • Weight loss
  • the Blutprint has disappeared
  • supports intestinal health
  • anti-psychotic effect
  • I am positive about the Gehirn from

Gesunde Ernährung: Viel Obst, Gemüse, Olivenöl and Fisch

Die Mittelmeer-Diät zeichnet sich laut der German Heart Foundation during an evening meal, delicious cuisine, both of them with a large portion of the fruit and vegetables, wholesome food, healthy fruit and together best, with its own Nüssen and a high quality Anteil a native Olivenöl. Other Fette such as Olivenöl, which are used with Butter, were, at any time, now consumed.

Zucker and refined foods are processed. Rotes Fleisch is used sparingly. The benefits of health, food and nutrition, of which an Omega-3-Fettsäuren ist, are provided, während Eier, Milchprodukte and Geflügel in smaller portions as in the traditional westlichen Ernährung were delivered.

This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not provide for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. No doctor’s advice is required. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern would be done by a non-editorial team.