
Schweizer has Kriegs-Angst: Survival-Kurse trees

Schweizer has Kriegs-Angst: Survival-Kurse trees

Want to take a test in the wilderness? Most people have no idea – lots of wool is no longer needed. Also the Fear of War played a role.

The most important thing in the round

  • Let more people experience a digital Alltag – he sees this in nature.
  • Provider of Survival Courses is one of many years that generates interest.
  • That’s the story of fear and survival shows on TV.


We spend our lives with our images. Sit on the laptop. In their free time they scroll on Instagram, play games or watch movies.

That’s always more people will fall. ‘Man will live more in nature and with nature,’ said the expert Bat Gomes to the ‘bones’. Das Interesse am «Survival»-Thema (Englisch für Überleben) is coarse.

That is what you do, that you can express yourself in a straight line and experience the tree: Feuer machen, Knoten knüpfen, (essbare) Pflanzen cognition – all that depends on the program.

«Ukraine-Situation wesentlicher Faktor»

“The question of the future has a strong meaning,” confirms survival trainer Gion Saluz in There is a “Swiss Survival Training” in the form of an overview of the survival guides. It becomes clear that other people are in nature.

But if you are divorced, you will be able to continue training?

An explanation: “Interesse looks at the insecurity in Europe. The situation in Ukraine is a scientific factor for the unrest, it explains.

Also Handy and TV shows play a role

Hinzu says: “The survival course is an optimal contrast program for all offices, media consumers and digital device users. Zurück zur Natur, Auszeit aus dem Alltag, Unabhängigkeit vom System.»

You can find a man with nature and the forest connection, «of the other human nature». Ebenfalls central in survival courses: «Learning how plants are essential and how to make a fire right.»

I believe that remote sends with “7 vs. Wild” have fallen, it is more interesting for the theme.

“All Survival Shows of the past years have been forgotten by people,” Saluz explains. An idea: «End the end of the story and it was selber erleben.»

Survival-Hype brought Gefahren with sich

Markus Lusser, founder of ‘How to Survive Outdoor School’, in the book by Bat Gomes, says: The interest and the course have become longer.

“In particular, in the Pandemic Years that the Nachfrage eeninen Schubkommen” says Lusser. Die Gründe dafür seien «so uninterested wie die Teilnehmer».

The motivation could be: «Horizonte erweitern, new lessons, abschalten vom Alltag and sicherlich yet more best-immung experiences.»

What do you want to do with your survival course?

There is a way in which the Seiner Kurse as Beweggründe Shows with «7 vs. Wild» an. The Survival Coach said critically: «Ob sich velde der Zuschauer Solcher Sendungen dann aber wirklich mal in the Nature hinaus move, is fraglich.»

It has been warned that there is a hype that can lead to success in this world. So the forests were swept away every day and night and nature was saved at night. It is worth removing litter and other art from the forest fire drive to follow.



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