
The Stadtmarketing offers further information for the Innenstadt trade.

The Stadtmarketing offers further information for the Innenstadt trade.

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The Stadtmarketing offers further information for the Innenstadt trade.
I am in dialogue: Die Inhaber der Geschäfte has become a strong team. © Peter Schmid

Fürstenfeldbruck – Seit November 2023 find jewels am first Freitag eines Monats der “Friday Club” statt.

You can offer your brucker experience in music, drinks and snacks in your products and services – all for free. I think it is not possible to buy a product, but it is a matter of a knitting that is possible in making machines. Those three bets do not lie anymore, an art shop hopping is not fun.

New road

“We have come a long way and are happy,” said Peter Schmid, Head of the Stadtmarketing-Vereinigung “Wir in FFB”. Before a year of work on living in more city centers and restaurants, a number of buildings and a new marketing concept have emerged, following the city management of the organization of city marketing with cost savings. The Dialog changes the Geschäften hat in these Monaten deutlich zgenommen. “Without being a ‘strong team’ and taking a monatliche zum inheritancessaustausch and another action festivity. Neue Mitglieder since gern gesehen,” explains Schmid.

Great hurdles

The city is developing the initiative while its funding is increasing, after the initiators can increase the fehlende abstimmung and the larger business interests. One of the highlights at the Christkindlmarkt 2024 is a sequel to the Volksfestplatz, the statistics have been found. An abstimmung with the inner city trade has no state funds, more than 30 dollars and betriebe have ended up in one of the written acts for the word on the old market place.

Verfahren must be fulfilled

As soon as the Friday Club has separated the Aktionen jewels, a sconce must be ordered for alcoholic beverages, which costs 35 euros for a book. If the city administration is prepared, this will be done. During the Altstadtfest complaints, the authorities, who were placed in the sales area in front of the Tür, have cut off the Zugang von der Straße deutlich. “The Fairies come and go, isn’t it more the case that the local community is concerned?” Ask the Akteure vom Stadtmarketing. So if you are aware of the fact that it is the case that the German Parkgebuhren are offered and the Zahl der Parkplätze is reduced, this is a good idea.


The acture is no longer needed, but it is impossible to process. With Felix Kretz, the urban economics manager, is a central business partner, who acts as a coordinator for other services and dismantles the Stadtmarketing Forum. On Friday, the Club Aktion des Stadtmarketing-Forums Fürstenfeldbruck in the Kategorie Stadt zwischen 20 and 50,000 Einwohner was nominated to Bayerische Stadtmarketing Preis 2024. Fürstenfeldbruck could stay together with Amberg and Traunstein against 17 Bewerbungen durchsetzen. In October, the Ministry of Economic Affairs became the winner of the agreement.
