
White men, big grills and no bigger cars

White men, big grills and no bigger cars

The little man on the road is not quite there. Während linke Parteien, Schriftstellers, Journalisten und sogar Punkbands sich von der Arbeiterklasse have a great chance to the vermeintliche Unterdrückung of Minoritäten with nichtbinärer Geschlechtsidentität, “People of Color” or the Klimawandel kampfen – and on the Parties of the “High Society” more specifically A real Trink- and Kampfgefährten and the many interests in the world are revisited –, in addition to the Mainstreams all new “Proll”-Subcultures.

A project that is not so right is that the gender-sternchen and the creditworthiness of the hinges are guaranteed. The international Zeitschrift Art of the working class Widmet himself in equipping the art of the Arbeiterklasse. The Ausgaben were not accounting transactions before all the people were on the street sales, the one way in which the modern wool sterility culture develops, in case you do not get confused when you join hands. This contact culture is one of the “German Rednecks”, a group of former German men, who financed his brothers and sisters in the American “Rotnacken”.

Schußwaffen and the invention of “old white men”

The fact that the high American economies of white countries in the US live, is used by urban city centers in New York and in other ways, a moral and intellectual über de vermeintliche dümmeren, we are in the conservative rules of the southern state state and zu erheben . If others claim that the ‘progressive liberal’ in the world is not so good, it will probably be that those affected in the time of the rearmament of the ‘bessermenschen’ have been emancipated, compensated for the protection of an own power, which sie sich nunmehr – mit großem Stolz auf ihre regioen en soziale Herkunft – themselves write on the Fahne.

On Facebook, the German Rednecks are quickly 50,000 in this Sinne self-confident Mitglieder. Die von den Nutzern auf der Seite highlyladen Fotos saw everything, she was awake Klimakleber and Bauernproteste-Diffamierer in der Großstadt the Wutröte ins Gesicht and the Panikschweiß in the blooming Nacken treibt: large Holzkohlengrills and nor large Cars. Auch Schußwaffen, Fleischbrocken, Stammtisch-Schildchen and some Motorboot are busy inventing the Community of “alten white men”.

Festivals, in all, was Woke ärgert

Once in a year the German Rednecks organized a big “Tailgate”. It is a form of trade that is traded in North America in the United States. Read more about the English language for the Heckklappe a car event at festivals for the fan culture of American Football. When the tailgates hit the sports friends while playing on the park in the stadium, their country-typical games and their experiences with each other. The atmosphere of these events should be such that it is a party with an American folk festival and the Campingplatz-Partys on the edge of the Formel-1-Rennen on the Hockenheimring on Schumis the best frost hours.

The next “Tailgate” can be the Rednecks from Germany fully known as the “horniest Wochenende of the year”. Stattfinden soll das Ganze from August 15 to 18 in Asmusstedt, the smallest Ortsteil of the Saxony-Anhaltic Kleinstadt Ballenstedt. The Harzgemeinde is now around 30 residents, with its own Flugplatz, the ideal conditions for the annual “Redneck Games” offer.

So the Veranstalter presented for this festival: “Truck-Pulls, Schlammlöcher, Schlammschlachten, Hotdog-Wettessen, Southern-Style BBQ, Redneck Boulevard, Rodeo, Live-Musik, Hillbilly-Partys, Bonfires, Camping and Valles, was not yet nicht verraten möchten!’ The greater part of the work of the Bauern and the proletarian could no more be erased than woolen.
