
Straßentheaterfestival in der Weststadt: Artists and Gauklers in Schorndorf

Straßentheaterfestival in der Weststadt: Artists and Gauklers in Schorndorf

The international Straßentheaterfestival is celebrated on August 24th. Fantastic Worlds in the Schorndorfer Weststadt. The nanu Traumtheater served a version of the Swabian “Kehrwoch”.

Dirk Herman

18.08.2024 – 10:44 am

The woman who sees the cheerful tag in the brake stable that summer: Im Rahmen der „Weststadt Kunterbunt – Summermeile 24“ veranstaltet das Kulturforum Schorndorf am Samstag, August 24, from 2.30 pm to around 9 pm a small international Straßentheater festival in the Gottlieb-Daimler -Strasse .

However small, when the list of the various European countries the artists and gaukler considered, the students were long after the city’s celebrity tests played with gas. The Besucherinnen and Besucher can spend their free time in the great theater art with a German-Iranian juggler from the South of France, where Artists and Artists from the Netherlands, Switzerland, but also from the Swabian Raum are. Large statues, fine artistic, a beautiful machine, music and music lovers were the Weststadt in Beschlag nehmen and the Zuschauer in a fantastic world.

Das Theater PasParTouT in der Produktion “Cock Tales” – a beautifully decorated and musical Hühnerhaufen Photo: Veranstalter

The subsequent Straßentheater shows were presented jewel-like several times: At 14:30, 17:40 and 20:10 o’clock the act of Exoot with “Ami6” from the Netherlands. It is a Citroën with a audible portion of positivism: there is stirring, flirting and fleeing through the streets. As a Straßenphänomen with a self-willed personality “Ami6” enters the heart of the audience.

The Nanu Traumtheater presents the version of the “Kehrwoch” jewels at 15:10, 16:40 and 18:40. They work, roar and swathe all in their art and manner. The Schwäbischen Hausfrauen-gibt is like a Stelzen-Walking Act – if it is a bad Sache.

Joshua Monten Dance Company performs the work “Kill your Darlings” at 3:40 PM and 6:10 PM with Mitgliedern from Switzerland and the USA. Joshua Monten’s tanz production in the style of “Afro-Bavarian Body Percussion” begins on the vertrautem terrain: “Hello Schatz!” Both manners are clear and simple Kreidequadrate on the Boden. If you start with a “Himmel- und Hölle-Spiel”, you can start in the Gleichklang and wiederholen at the following times. A wasted and energy-laden escalation, thus the veranstalter.

At 4:10 PM and at 7:40 PM there is Theater PasParTouT with the production “Cock Tales” by Erleben. A beautifully decorated and musical Hühnerhaufen plays tieric-menschliche Szenen in between and with the Publikum. Add extra caressing and zickly gluck bellows to the tastiest körner and the most beautiful misthaufen.

The BolBol Company is available at 5:10 PM and 7:10 PM: In One-Woman-Circus-Stück „OM“ (a Wortkombination from „Oma“, Deutsch, und „Mâdarjun“, Persian, lovely Bezeichnung für Großmutter väterlicherseits) read the German – Iranian young artists Roxana Küwen Arsalan and both Großmütter aufeinandertreffen. If you are not in person, you can only go to the Teestunde, you will use other things with the Zufall of Herkunft and Privileges. Think of young Bälle, Teekannen, Klischees and Sprachen. Many, personal and political are not in Iran and the East Frisian Wurzeln. This power is nachdenklich, is manchmal provokativ, rührend and still wieder wieder or ironic in the absurd of Zuschreibungen and Schuvelden. Aus (Fuß-)Jonglage, Objectmanipulation, Tanz und Sprache are een Vielzahl van Charakeren, Atmosphären und Erzählsträngen.

The Eintritt zum Straßentheaterfestival – the artistic leadership lies with Debora Harfst and Tobias Schmid from Kulturforum Schorndorf – is free.

More information For the program of international Schorndorfer Straßenfestivals you will find interested parties on the Internet under: