
In the forest near Iserlohn: Frau bricht sich beim Wandern das Bein | Regional

In the forest near Iserlohn: Frau bricht sich beim Wandern das Bein | Regional

Iserlohn (NRW) – Enjoy your wanderings in the Flachland with great memories…

After 52 years, I spent a day with two children in the woodwork in between Iserlohner Stadtteilen Roden and Lössel unleash war, stürzte schwer and brach sein bein.

The Rettungstrage would be brought step by step into the Nähe der Verletzten

The Rettungstrage would be brought step by step into the Nähe der Verletzten

Photo: Fire brigade Iserlohn

After the Wanderer alerted the Rettungsdienst, there was a sanitary facility on the steep road, which provided relief. Views or thoughts Fraktur could no longer move themselves.

Removal is carried out before the means of transport are transported Professional fire brigade Iserlohn with a Dutzend Rettern and. The blocks then entered the Straße and were transferred by steep slope into the steep Unterholz. Damit dug the Wanderin into the Waldstück and loaded it into the Krankenwagen. My Rettungswagen goes to St. Elisabeth Hospital.