
Ministerium: Erster Polio-Fall im Gazastreifen

Ministerium: Erster Polio-Fall im Gazastreifen

Gaza/Tel Aviv. The Gaza Strip is a palästinensischen terrifying autumn of children’s laughter. Erkrankt is uninterested, zehn Monate changes Säugling into Deir al-Balah in the Zentrum des Gebiets, teilte das Gesundheitsministerium in Ramallah with. Dies hätten Tests in der Jordanischen Hauptstadt Amman ergeben.

UN General António Guterres hates the polio impact of Hunderttausenden Kindern a Kampfpause in them abgeschnittenen and in weiten Teilen zrstörten Küstenstreifen gefordert. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children’s Welfare Organization (UNICEF) are pushing for a Feuerpause von sieben Tagen.

Polio-Viren in Abwasser entdeckt

After the investigation of polio virus in the fight against the Gaza Strip in the July plans of the UN mass implementation against child lamentation. In late August and in September, more than 640,000 children in the world have been protected from the virus, which the WHO in Geneva has Mitteilte. The UN-Gesundheitsbehörde-berichtete is that children in Gaza Strip are the best of the thought of the occurrence of disease symptoms, which occur typical for polio. (dpa)