
Sven Pfizenmaier: A Novel about the End of Berlin Club Culture

Sven Pfizenmaier: A Novel about the End of Berlin Club Culture

Sven Pfizenmaier’s »Schwätzer« is a real reality and imaginative Roman über urban einsamkeit and the end of club culture.

In Berlin two old friends, Eddi and Meikel, meet in search of meteorites fallen from heaven. If Eddis has a small chance, a house is not even a higher chance of losing. Zeitgleich remembers Farina one of the Club, when she was a must for Monaten. Dort spukt is mittlerweile.

The German nachwuchsauthor Sven Pfizenmaier has had no problem. He was born in Celle, grew up in Lower Saxony, lived in Germany and lived under another stipendiat der Literaturwerkstatt Graz. In 2022, the East German country’s 33-year-old Scripture narrators took on a surreal quality. Dort has main figures fragmentary Superkräfte: In Richards Gegenwart ermüden Gesprächspartner augenblicklich, Valerie muss jeden Traum zu Ende träumen en schläft zo een 45 Tage am Stück, and Timo is more Pflanze as Mensch. The Erzählung is formed by a Kriminalroman, while people in Dorf are winding more and more.

All just star dust

The Handlung seines zweiten Buchs “Schwätzer”, which is now available in Kein & Aber erscheint, provides Pfizenmaier im urbansten Deutschland, in the blessing Wahlheim in Berlin. “Ben Himmel über Neukölln since the Sterne unsichtbar. A Couple from the Milch dims the shine of the Meteore, which on the way to its end continues here, he has somewhat begun with the beginning of his gegenwärtige Fabel. When this happens, it is a truly realistic and fantastic natural moment, or a so-called moment.

Pfizenmaiers Hauptcharaktere since junior Erwachsene, allesamt vereinsamt in der Großstadt, zum Teil vom Nachtleben geschunden and with Hang zur Melancholie. Meikel and Eddi struggle with their shared spirit and their friendship, which is one of the common members of the Drogenexzessen. Das Gebäude, in dem Eddi wohnt, wurde von Zahnärzten aufgekauft. Im Austausch für einen Meteoriten wieder Zahnärzte allthings, de immobilie wieder freizügeben.

So while the Freunde Felder in the city after the fall of the city, they were hunted through the city by the Bohrern bewaffneten, a meeting of meteorite friends and trade with Matrosentöchtern one of their beautiful.

Once again Farina was one of the closed Club April, now by Jungunternehmer Heinrich in a fitness studio that no longer functioned. Unique problem: The spatial aspects were heimgesucht by the spirits. These are unusual figures that on the laurel wreath of the short aufeinander happen, when problems arise when they lose things, or when they have a bond with your knüpfen.

Characters of Schmunzeln

The Erzählung comes here and occasionally on the Berlin Party, young adults are excluded and lost after years of the last night. Pfizenmaier distinguishes himself through his inspiring impression, his playful interaction with language. Manchmal verliert is a fact in his white rabbit house. If one of the most important things in the future on the Lewis Carroll universe is discovered and is confronted with one’s own art – Farina’s residents Lea Gramsch-Bockermann and Svea Bock-Grammeljahnn are eagerly dying Brote, while a fear of Buttermessern, the other vor Löffeln in a hat of marmalade glass -, it is the main character of the form and color. The story of the miraculous weichen of the handling string is very lively, as the story and the figures form a story.

Nichtsdestotrotz is Sven Pfizenmaier’s Stimme an original and emerging Ergänzung for the German book market. When the power of Freude has disappeared, there is a voyage of discovery with a view to the urban Tristesse-junger Erwachsener who has made an interesting combination, which can not only yield surprising fruit tragedies.

<em>Sven Pfizenmaier: </em><u>“Swiss”, </u>Verlag Kein & Aber, 283 Seiten, 23.50 Euro” width=”1000″ height=”600″/>                  <photo-lightbox src=

Sven Pfizenmaier: “Swiss”, Verlag Kein & Aber, 283 Seiten, 23.50 Euro

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