
Update to version 3.12 with new Quests

Update to version 3.12 with new Quests


Today – After a longer time update, new updates are new at PuschelFarm. The deployment of the new version 3.12 was one of the most common las and more than 1,000 Puschel-Quests that were carried out, and also some exciting versions, which the Vorankommen for all people who have appeared unnoticed.

If you have a trust relationship, you will lose the new Wiesen-Quests, if the man has made a strategic klug, while the free Wiese has increased the chance that you will probably get a puschelmünzen-belohnt. While the Gehegeausbau-Quests hinge with Tor, Scheune, Zaun and Umgebung auszubauen, the man for the Beherbergung der Puschels on the Seiner Farm Braucht.

You more Puschels man on a farm hat, more Puschels-Quests, but also Puschelarten-Quests can man damn loose. Set up your alternative individual clumped Puschels in Puschellabor and lose the new Labourpuschels-Quests!

When the Premium Quests are released, the new Highscore for the Premium Missions is so big that now that the Premium Mission is active, the man is also free for the best results of the Loss Quests. If you are never at a Quest start, then you can make a short quest and a short quest and also not let go of the other Quest assignments.