
Mehr Hass, weniger Umsatz – Jüdische Local campfen with anti-Semitism

Mehr Hass, weniger Umsatz – Jüdische Local campfen with anti-Semitism

Mehr Hass, weniger Umsatz – Jüdische Local campfen with anti-Semitism

Schalom, a Jewish Restaurant (Archive)

Negative online comments and anti-Semitism appeared on October 7. Auch judische restaurants in Frankfurt verzeichnen seither weniger Umsatz. Der Gastronom Nir Rosenfeld wehrt himself gegen Ressentiments.

By Marie Kröger Sonntag, 25.08.2024, 11:58 am|will be updated: Sunday, 25.08.2024, 12:05 PM Reader: 3 minutes |

The Wörter is so small that he now knows when he chooses a meter in front of the larger name of the restaurants: Unter “Kuli Alma” steht “Israeli Kitchen”. Dieser Zusatzkracht dem Frankfurter Gastronomen Nir Rosenfeld große Probleme.

“Anonymous Anrufe nehmen wir im Restaurant nicht more an. “We are very happy with our lives, but our husbands are not spoiled,” says Rosenfeld, who was born in Israel and has lived in Germany for 21 years. Of the four restaurants, the Rosenfeld in Frankfurt am Main is a great choice. Frankfurt nach Berlin met 6,300 Mitgliedern de zweitgrößte jüdische Gemeinde in Deutschland, es gibt in der Banken-Metropole sogar more koschere produced Angebote as in der Bundeshauptstadt.

However, the Angriff der Hamas auf Israel am 7. Oktober und die Anschließenden Gewalteskalation in Gazastreifen ist der Umsatz in Rosenfeld Restaurants zurückgehouden. I am guilty of anti-Semitic comments about local actions. A note has been written on Google that may appear in the future, which means that a tern says the following: “Ziemlich irreführend. The ‘Palästinensische Essen’ must be heißen, so it was who the ‘Israeli Essen’ gibt is not, the country is not at all. Keine Empfehlung.”

Antisemitism on- and offline

For the only reactions to Rosenfeld an anwalt, damn Google it is so. There are reactions on Google in the Rule, but not a Stern-Bewertungen is an Angabe of Gründen, erzählt Rosenfeld. Go offline to Rosenfeld with anti-Semitism. A bekannter has his own, friendly community – people who were born as Jude in Deutschland, no Steuern given anymore.

In the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, in Rosenfeld, the restaurant “Life Deli” paints an ambivalent picture. At the beginning of the year, a visitor return visit of 15 percent is part of the museum. But at events such as the “Night of the Museums” more visitors can be seen. The museum has collected statements of solidarity from companies, but anti-Semitic articles, comments and comments on social media are directed at the feedback walls inside the museum hall. The Jewish Museum is an institution of the city of Frankfurt am Main, where the city is honored with the correct representation.

Koscher is halal for Muslims

The Schutzmaßnahmen for Jewish establishments are left by the Frankfurt Police on a “permanently high level”. There are now no more offers for the synagogues, museums and schools, the kosher restaurants of Nir Rosenfeld are well known. In the first place after the terrorist attack there is talk of a own costs of a Sicherheitsdienst for his restaurants, says er.

Rosenfeld is also a Muslim guest. If the Kaschrut, the Jewish Special Regulations, are followed, Muslims are also safe, that means Essen is also halal. Täglich – außer am Schabbat – kommt ein von der Gemeinde bestellter Aufseher in Rosenfelds Restaurants and überprüft den Zubereitungprozess. “We were given Pilz in jeden. “Then a meal in the salad is a pleasure for young people who enjoy the pleasure of eating food,” says the Gastronomer.

“Trotzdem mache ich mir Sorgen”

The Koschere Restaurant “Sohar’s” can be found in the Gelände of the Jewish Community of Frankfurt and offers security skills from the Police with protection. But because “Sohar’s” hat with consequences zu kampfen, says Matan Gur, der Sohn des Geschäftsführers. Unlike Rosenfelds Restaurants, this is based on the most extensive security concept, das Gäste abschreckt. In the first month after October 7, catering has disappeared, we are in the Jewish community and no one has been there for private parties in the stimmung gewesen.

Neither lives alone in the gastronomy in Germany. “Trotzdem mache ich ich mi Sorgen, wenn ich sehe, was in other European Ländern or the USA with jüdischen Menschen pasert”. Rosenfeld ended up in the letter after an important political period, the schoah überlebte. ‘There is what Hitler’s Drohungen did so seriously and roamed around after Israel aus. I will always wait for my time to be aware of it,” is the same in Rosenfeld: “I will live with my Israeli identity and not forget it.” (epd/mig) Current Panorama