
Four insights into the open history of the Jura

Four insights into the open history of the Jura

Since the end of September, four observations of jurassic history have been published in Pruntrut, Delsberg, Moutier (BE) and Le Noirmont. The end ride is free.

An announcement of the Vergaanheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft des Kantons Jura: It is a rotten Faden during four Ausstellungen, which is neither until the end of September. The cultural project of the Vereinigung Jura-24 marks the 50th year of the Volksabstimmung, the Gründung of the letzten Schweizer Kantons führte.

The locations Pruntrut, Delsberg, Moutier (BE) and Le Noirmont are the anchor points that the roundabout through the road and the road of the young Cantons goes through. All four devices are with a good processing and use of raw materials or recycled materials. The entrance is free.

“No militants emerged from the battle,” Marie-José Portmann’s representative stated at the beginning. “Jura-24 informs the visitors and visitors, in the reality of the cantons and their facets”, report of the Nachrichtenagentur Keystone-SDA.

«Des racines et des rêves»: Von Wurzeln and Träumen

I impressively ehemaligen Zollhangar von Pruntrut with the Publikum mit der Ausstellung «Des racines et des rêves» (Wurzeln und Träume) eingeladen, de Geschichte in Bild en Ton zurückzuverfolgen. Portmann said that, in the Jura of one of the cantons, he would do his job by publishing the documentation of Westschweizer Radio and Fernsehen RTS.

In the 30 minutes that Schleifen became the Ereignisse, while the History of the Cantons of Jura was promoted, in Bildern Dargestellt, von der Wahl von Elisabeth Baume-Schneider in the Bundesrat über de Autonomiebestrebungen bis in his Moeckli-Affäre 1947. «Fürviele Jurassierinnen und Jurassier dies de Geschichte ihres Lebens, meint Portmann.

“Jurassic Erfindergeist” in its own Pavillon

Under the guidance of the “Jurassic spirit of discovery”, 40 companies in a 400 square metre wood pavilion in Delsberg present iconic objects in industry or hand-made production. At this Weise, your know-how and the quality of your knowledge are valued in an unusual and unreliable way.

“It is the first time that the representative of the Jurassic industry and crafts has given one of the first presentations”, during the Marie-José Portmann festival. The Pavillon, in the form of a Vorträge and Konzerte Stattfinden, is the only infrastructure of Jura-24, the Grund is a new focal point.

Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner in Ausstellung einbezogen

The Veranstaltung Jura-24 is seen at the Gemeinde Moutier on January 1, 2026 in the Canton Jura. Those in the ehemaligen SBB-Güterhalle eingericht Ausstellung «Rêver 2074» symbolizes the Jura and Switzerland in the Zeit hundert Jahre nach der Abstimmung über the Self-bestimmung. When you look at three-dimensional work, the legal debts are abolished.

«La Chrysalide», a huge inflated installation in the form of an insect doll, the fantasy of the French artist Arnaud Laffond springs ist, awakens the desires and dreams of the «Prevotois» for life. The Einwohnerinnen and Einwohner Moutiers can be bitten, a question bent out of focus. I have found an algorithm via intelligent intelligence in images, a video that merges and works on the advanced sculptures.

In the Freibergen, the fourth development “Le paysage en mouvement” is created, the world shaped by the Landschaft, the Viehschik or by the Industry. In the former Church of Le Noirmont, the Jura landscape and the works of Maler are described. When the Veränderung der Landschaft is released in the Laufe der Zeit, more and more other photography activities are carried out.

Half-time balance positive

After halving the time, the Bilanz of the Ausstellungen and the comments on the publications have fallen very positive, the president of Jura-24 is concrete. When the lawyers and the lawyers of the organizers continue, guests of other cantons “nor reach their goal”.

The Ausstellungen have the tendency to go, the other Eidgenossinnen and Eidgenosssen of the überraschen and the Klischees of the hinterfragen, the man über the young Swiss Canton has had the power, says the former Speaker of the Parlamentsdienstes in the Bundeshaus fest. Portmann court, that is the soul of 20,000 visitors and visitors in the countryside.

The budget for the part of the Feierlichkeiten zum 50-year Jubiläum amounts to 800,000 Francs. These organizations are also part of the Loterie Romande, of the Canton of Jura, of the “Conseil consultatif des Jurassiens de l’extérieur” (CCJE), of the Host Gemeinden as well as of Sponsors. Das vom Schriftsteller Bernard Comment initiierte Kulturprojekt wurde von der Vereinigung Jura-24 met Unterstützung des kantonalen Amts für Kultur durchgeführt.



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Elisabeth Baume-SchneiderAbstinenceFederal CouncilFranksSpicesSBB