
Legenden-Dschungel – Tag 4: Elena stiftet Unruhe, Giulia führt Kochtopf-Eklat herbei

Legenden-Dschungel – Tag 4: Elena stiftet Unruhe, Giulia führt Kochtopf-Eklat herbei

Intense Auseinandersetzungen and Tag 4 im Dschungelcamp. Neuankömmling Elena eckt een, Winfried spotted über enttäuschte Lieben and Giulia with vom Kochtopf entfernt. Nur Gigi brings the end of the Tages to an event.

Hilfe! Elena doesn’t plan to study in the camp and she has a big problem! The fierce Spanierin, the Mola is “with the head through the magic wand”, who has the Ruder übernommen and some Verbesserungsvorschläge in store, the Team Leader Hanka is not suitable at all: “Elena, bitte! You are new in the Group! That’s a good day gewisse Demut da sein!”

The next action of “Ich bin ein Star – Showdown der Dschungel-Legenden” will take place on August 15 at 8:15 p.m. on RTL+. The broadcast of the linear TV program of RTL follows a tag at 8:15 p.m. On you can watch messages and orientate messages on the following pages on RTL+.

If the primary school has chosen the task of carrying out a therapeutic treatment, it is true that the certain “lotuse effect” of man is with Frau Miras. Everything is safe and sound, your human dignity, your respect. The ehemalige TV Maklerin, who, no matter how they are, has had a good time during the New Year, completely completes themselves. The ganze switches within a few minutes, so that it dries quickly. If you want to know how: Welchem ​​​​Camper käme ihr freiwilliger Weggang inconvenient?

Elena Miras thinks she is “socially incompatible” and has a “Roboter hologram”. Of course you know that the fan of the Streitigkeiten, if the human is not white, for his “Sendezeit” can reach a higher level, inzwischen for his Genüge. If you see a hat with one of the cases, you will see the next day. If Elena knew from Elena that it was a natural matter, it sounds: “that honesty”.

Love stories by Winfried

Tag 4 at the camp is located on the Tag and Winfried von Seinen enttäuschten Lieben spricht. The first moment is that it has been 12 years since the perpetrators were lost, the “mumbling of the half-out” happened. Danni und Kader lauschen dem fast 80-Jährigen en finden ihn, wie das bei alten Menschen nicht selten der Fall ist, besonnen en wit en jijhen ihren Hut vor ihm. Jawoll: “Happy!” Fragt sich bloß, was man of the following Anecdote of the last Liebestollen entgegnen soll. The message is a name, but it is a woman who has taken a woolly bet with a schauspielkolleg. Leader must have that nur Augen for the Director and have his Avancen-love in Leere.

If Winfried loses the woman who was struck again 30 years ago, it is not as if I will end up in a bet, we will have become “so bad” in the change.

Also Live Coach Thorsten has erneut Mitteilungsbedarf. Der 55 years ago the transmitter spoke to his TV directly on the TV and spoke via forest telephone with the only “value” transmitter that Eltern took over. Dschungelcamp-Zeit is one of the experiences with a group and family therapy. So send a message about Elena who is affected by her depressive feelings, while she has “come out” thanks to a therapy. Gigi and Thorsten praise the temperament bundle aufmerksam, can not understand, that such a large amount of Dementia ausgerechnet such a strong woman that Elena has affected.

The camp around the cooking stand

Heavy is this day too Danni. The 46-year-old age of Hanka has found his new team leader and found, the group “a company of its own” for the start-up of the days is sollte. Community can achieve so much. Before you do it, it is wise to use a brand name. Schön wäre also, if someone else like Giulia would cook! Sarah for fun! If other people have a small chance, their chance is big.

De Ganze has ignored the entire life of the Sternekchin Siegel, not at all in the Suppentüte. Abberufen von der Kochtopf-Front giftet is gegen das new Personal der Lagerfeuer-Küche. Neu-Teamchef Danni finds the German Worte: “Giulia, you bought on your own! Other wollen also bought!”

Der Kampf is an imaginary Herdplatte played by hand through the shank. Plötzlich ist auch Kader mit der Partie, deren Name von Giulia, ohne sie zu fragen, “in den Mund were taken”. In any case, a “nur Sendezeit” will no longer become the other person. Platforms and sentences were written in the Urwald, by means of ways that strong women support themselves and after all, this gezanke would be a great success, if anyone finds Thorsten, “from an established Frau” whom Frau Siegel welcomes.

The woman who has found “a 50 rum” does not look “like little children”. There are no others like “cheap stories to find in the remote location.” Gigi happily sees the end of the four days off, to teach Hubert Kah’s entire star sky to rise. On to the “Aunt dilemma”-loaded! In the jungle discounter is one of the most popular products. With new stars comes “Italia” in the camp and get these but smooth first as zehn. “So Gigi stops”, Elena explains. If so, then this is a decent abbelievieve hat. For the next test must Frau Miras and the “Legator”. It is all very thenn in the Mindestmaß.