
Wildenauer Sorgen verschlimmern sich: Bezdiçka bricht sich Ellenbogen

Wildenauer Sorgen verschlimmern sich: Bezdiçka bricht sich Ellenbogen

Mistakes at SC Luhe-Wildenau: The Mitte-Landesligist can be a problem with major personal problems that arise. It is a special choice for the inner position. If Saturday in the Heimspiel against FC Dingolfing is won, 2:0 is won by Max Hiltl, Jonas Held and Daniel Ettl who have won an inner merit. If Lukas Winderl no longer plays, he can let the Leiden time sound in 90 minutes through a very complete track. Später backed Spielertrainer Benny Urban ins Abwehrzentrum. The next sorgenvolle Nachricht-meldet from Sportclub now from Top-Sturmer David Bezdiçka…

After 20 minutes in the heimspel golfing in the swimming camp can take place in the ground and overload with the weapons in the Ellenbogen. During a bandage absolutely of the blow to 75. Minutes of a game and war with signal actions in the offensive as brandgefährlich. Together with Johannes Rodler and Nico Argauer provide for a part of the war in the war, a guarantee for the Sieg.

Armin Goschler, sports director of SC Luhe-Wildenau, wants Sonntagabend not to be so straight with his feelings. When the diagnosis is made to David Bezdiçka in the clinic, this is the case. “If you are in the Heimdreier and then sit down at night in the House, as a summary with Team doctor, Dr. Wiemann dies in the Klinikum Marienbad with: Bruch des Ellenbogen, Dehnung der Bänder, Plaster shell. Sports break for David and Abklärung an OP”Goschler informs stöhningly. “We have already had three knee joint problems, a knee dislocation and a knee bruise. That man wants to be fast in a Muskel phaser”übt sich Goschler in Gallows Humor.

But all that is unfortunate is useless. With Lukas Winderl, an inner representative will be on the podium on Saturday, who, after a long breath, spends his time in Leiden with more muscle injuries and superior performances, will play a solid part with a specialist in Munich. “If it isn’t born, it isn’t planted, but it works well. A Lob an unser Trainerteam, das sich das unter Immung with Lukas and unserer medicalen Abteilung hat eeninfallen lassen“erklärt Teamanger Markus Hofbauer. “It is Lukas’ own business to have another training and playing session, but all players will have a complete flat out after 65 minutes and that is why player coach Benny Urban must have had to slide into his inner sympathy role.”followed Hofbauer.

After the 0:2-Niederlage Parsberg has seen as the Sportclub has an absolute debt burden, it is the intention that the company nevertheless becomes clear what has been sold. Jetzt gilded is more important. After the Auswärtsspiel, Saturday comes at FC Passau an English week with Oberpfalzduellen against the strong Aufsteiger FC Amberg and the ASV Burglengenfeld. Everything is found by David Bezdiçka statt. If our man is a Captain Nico Argauer, he is a strong talent to come forward. If you have not made plans yet – it will fall under the Willen, the mentality is a matter of time and one or more other moments of luck. Then in the Landesliga everything is possible. Die Spiele wanken immer hin und her“,have Sports Chief Armin Goschler here. Who long Bezdiçka falls out, is first in 14 days absehbar. It is so that you can use the button yourself.

Beim SC Luhe-Wildenau courtes man on no other Verletzten, “Then we soon have to deal with both our own interests and an unsolvable problem, then we can never play at all.”skizziert Markus Hofbauer died of the personal situation. The war that formed a war for the SC, was the big bet. If the Swedish Mannschaft a reclaimed Leistung a 4:1-Auswärtssieg at the DJK Neustadt/WN and certainly so the 2. Platz in the Kreisklasse Ost ab.