
Series Independent: Part 1: Do you want to love yourself more and touch yourself a little more?

Series Independent: Part 1: Do you want to love yourself more and touch yourself a little more?

What is the motivation to become self-aware when you make? What could you mean if you were one of the big years of an independent business?

Deene Froe is going more to the series, but the series will be more diverse Leit geschwat hunn, déi sech zanter 2023 themselves easy hunn. Virop huet d’Claudia Kollwelter is one of the directors of entrepreneurship at the Chamber of Commerce, which is generally involved in the business of Chifferen and Tendenze.

Iwwer 36,000 Demandë goufen zejoert beim House of Entrepreneurship vu Leit, déi eng Entreprise kreéiere wolllten, traitéiert. E Chiffer, who is relatively stable, sees the director of entrepreneurship at the Chamber of Commerce, Stephanie Damgé. D’Profiller has evolved.

“I am still more concerned with the new tenant Aarbecht in maachen, so that is “Parttime-Kreateuren”. And that the growth of Grënn, zäitlech and finanziell Grënn nation, or to Stability they get, other deelweis and, well If he comes in Aarbecht, a new run of a number of people will be the motivation of an entrepreneur or a person who gives an idea of ​​the new maachen.’

A net type of a profile, that are more divers. What the Beräicher has done, is that he has become self-aware, and that the net power of EE ginn, one of the few, would be with the young people, that more the social factor and the English Roll are spilled. I am an entrepreneur in business. A éischte Semester vun desem Joer goufe 542 Bankruptcies declared. Eng light Hausse par Rapport zu zejoert.

“What goes on, what are more demands and values, if someone else goes on, that is a young entrepreneur. You also go to a rental company Alter, I think that is Dei, is the lesson that Joer deserves If it is good, it is often the case that the context of Covid has been given its name Covid, but if you do Defien, you can just grab and pick up.”

Stephanie Damgé is proud to say that he is proud of the fact that the Chifferen will soon be motivated by his motives, and if he is an entrepreneur, he will launch them.

Once you’re in charge, interest in the next step in the series increases. Ugefaangen und Dënschdeg met engem junken Architektebüro.