
Please note that we went to Jackson Hole

Please note that we went to Jackson Hole

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – After the Erholungsrally van de Vergangen, there were two weeks to come at the German Aktienmarkt at the Montag. If we know that the creditworthiness of the Donnerstag in Jackson Hole in Jackson Hole starts in the background, the verification of a baldigen Zinssenkung is brought with this.

Please note that we went to Jackson Hole

If Dax reached 18,309.05 points, it would be a minus of 0.1 Prozent war. The MDax day is paid with 24,857.39 points with an average of 0.2 percent in Plus. We look at the Eurozone Lead Index EuroStoxx 50.

After the market watcher Thomas Altmann from QC Partners became the Dax partner, the excellent previous analysis was carried out and the Leitindex had a new victory in the following years. “Eine noch longer Gewinnserie will continue for the next year, in the year 2014,” says Altmann. A large part of the Kursrutsches, der Leitindex Anfang August bis after the 17,000 Punkte had printed, will be published.

Before you can determine the price, you can design the best offers and the best price-performance ratios on the market. The decisions that were made after the positive development of the American economy, have been rebooked./tih/stk