
Migraine after effects

Migraine after effects

Experience in this article:

Migraine prophylaxis with the SinCephalea App

Migration is an episodic study with different phases. The letzte Phase, the next Rückbildungsphase, would play a major role as a migrant hangover. If you are a leader on the beach, you may wonder whether the person affected by migrants can be a debilitating signal1.

The phase of a migration attack

Migräne-Betroffene with Aura four phase cross-country skiing1:

  1. The Vorboten- or Prodromal phase: In this phase Migräne Anzeichen, wie intensives Gähnen, Stimmungsschwankungen or Heißhunger der Attacke voausgehen2.
  2. The migration aura: This phase has now begun with the migration with the aura and can go through the seh-or speech disturbances, swindle or also misconceptions with the Alice in Wonderland syndrome3.
  3. The Schmerz Phase: In this phase one of the most common events is affected, while the strong head schmerz, as pulsating, boasting or stabbing be described and typicalerweise in the representation of the world. There are still more symptoms of hypersensitivity, erruption or light, noise or smell-sensitivity in the sense of a hypersensitivity that can occur here4.
  4. The back pain or the postdromal phase: At that time the disease is a fact and the symptoms of erschöpfung, there is a vermehrte energy that is more itself. Man spicht van migration-migration or an attempt to migrate of a migration-hangover5.

Good to know: I have become a Fachjargon that the Haupt-Phasen-präiktal, iktal and postiktal are annulled. Dabei kommt Iktal aus dem lateinisch von ictus = Schlag en beddeutet so fell wie „während eines Anfalls” or „im Anfall“. “Prä” is used before the fall and “post” after the fall6. Zwischen der letzten- und ersten Phase spricht man dann von interiktal (inter = zwischen), welches die Kopfschmerz- und symptomfree Zeit beschreibt1. Generating an overview is no longer complete, i.e. clearly defined7.

migraine attacks
Migraine after effects

It was a fact that a migration and the first phase was a fact, it is an unclear undertaking. how individual. A possible migratory Ursache lies in Zuckerstoffwechsel bzw. insbesondere bei grimmige Blutzuckerschwankungen. When this energy deficiency occurs in the air flow, the neuropeptides used by the CGRP, and the development of the reactions is promoted – and a migratory attack can be caused8–11.

A non-glycemic intake, also an intake, the Blutzucker is no longer and stably stopped, will be positive about the migration and intensity of our12–14. An Ansatz, the digital Gesundheitsanwendung (DiGA) sinCephalea Migräneprophylaxe znutze gemacht hat. Mittels and glucose sensors were used for two weeks in which the blutzucker reaction works and works in different ways. If the individual is aware of his long-term, the blutzucker has remained stable and has reduced the chance of a migration expansion – even without migration and risks15.

You can use the Migrane App sinCephalea op Rezept von deinem treated Fachpersonal versschreiben lassen. Deine Krankenkasse must reduce costs.

The back training phase

In this phase, the migration flow is more typical and the Schmerzen-lassen nach. More interesting is that there is an active study, it may be that there are symptoms and their consequences in the foreboat and backpack phase. When the symptoms in the Vorbotenphase show a number of different symptoms, the symptom in the Rückbildungsphase can become larger. If you are engaged in the study, you will start working with the migration to the migration phase with the symptoms of the symptoms in the relapse phase.16A good explanation would be more fun than not investigating.

What Migräne Nachwirkungen gibt is?

In the retrospective phase, a person can no longer be excluded from migration. Many are affected by the effects of the fall and compare the position with a hangover – for others, the fall and rapid growth5:

  • Erschöpfung und Müdigkeit (zB erhöhtes Schlaf- und Ruhebedürfnis)
  • Sensitivity to tension
  • Appetite
  • Concentration problem
  • Travel time
  • Muskmelon scones
  • Gefühl von Euphorie und Lebendigkeit
  • Combined Energy

How long does the migration phase last in the travel phase?

Laut Definition dauert die Rückbildungsphase bis zu 24 Stunden an. De Ganze is an individual and one of the most beautiful things or more Tagen is not unintentional1.

Was it possible that I was affecting migrants?

A migration medicine for the Akutfall helps in the back phase as a leader. You can use your own bedding or food. Therefore gold-plated general Akutmedikation no longer and longer if not used, a zB a Medikamentenübergebrauchskopfschmerz (MÜK) to avoid.

The symptom of the problem phase is resolved, which will be resolved later in the future.17:

  • Viel Ruhe und ausreichend Schlaf
  • Stress Reduction and Entspannung Mittels Entspannungsübungen (zB Meditation)
  • Ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr und ausgewachten Mahlzeiten, die deinen Blutzucker niedrig-stabil halten
  • Light physical activities (including stretching, relaxing and yoga)
  • Vermeide helles Licht of laute Geräusche
  • Find it here, it’s okay! A problem can be a cup of coffee, heat or cooking during a migration mask that helps

What is best in cooking and it was good to do that. Ignoring the symptoms can lead to not causing the migration and you getting a very risky migration attack.

Would you like to know more about Facebook Migrane Community on this topic?

Information and Erfahrungsaustausch über Themen round um Migräne. Migräne ist nicht “nur” Kopfschmerz sondern so fell more. If we provide a platform, the affected person can feel safe.

Instantly refilled


The symptom of migration is the leader in the head phase, but then in the drumherum phase. If there is a migration analysis first, this can happen in the travel phase with the migration expansion. That is so. Migrane-Hangover often with erschöpfung, Schmerzempfindlichkeit, Konzentrationproblemen or vermehrter

Reizbarkeit agree. Aber auch more Energie en Lebensfreude can be carried out.

At this stage it is important that the cables and pipes of the Ruhe and Schlaf are a plan. If one of the delayed flows is so heavily weighted, in one of the few debts, it may be that the debtor helps, if the migrants take flight and carry out more attacks.

Please note: The migration app can be removed by Cephalea. Based on the individual Blutzucker reactions, speak with your personal approach, the undulating Blutzucker stabilization stops and enables the migration – without visibility of the gender. If you place the app on the app, it changes or comes with fragments in our next information dispatch.


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