
These regulations must be known to IBES-Teilnehmer

These regulations must be known to IBES-Teilnehmer

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These regulations must be known to IBES-Teilnehmer
Sonja Zietlow and Jan Köppen moderate the Dschungelcamp. © RTL; Christoph Hardt/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

I am Dschungelcamp at RTL is more knowledgeable of the Regelbrüchen with important and consequences. Aber was müssen IBES-Teilnehmer genau stranden?

Cologne – Whoever participates in reality shows must also adhere to the rules. The gold is no longer for the game, but for the entire game for the room. The rules in the jungle camp are bad and partly possible. RUHR24 offers an overview.

Dschungelcamp at RTL: Diese Regeln müssen IBES-Teilnehmer know

The Rules of “I am a Star – Holt mir hier raus!” (IBES) are no longer of the Spaß da: They are the Candidates of the Dschungelcamps, aber auch the Nature of Australien, beziehungsweise South African schützen. Viele Vorschrifts van IBES hang with Müll-Entsorgung und Aufbewahrung von furtherblichen Lebensmitteln jijsammen.

I am active during the summer jungle camp and have a huge rule-breaking. So Giulia Siegel has struggled more in the camp and got his cigarettes forbidden with the parts. The problem: rule-breaking see consequences for everything after itself. Therefore you can lose the purchase of the luxury item.

IBES at RTL: Alle Regeln für das Dschungelcamp in Überblick

One of these lines should make the promise on Dschungelcamp if RTL stops:

  • The Borders camp will not last any longer.
  • Das Camp is now no longer in use. Etwa für die Dschungelprüfung, Schatzsuchen or Interviews.
  • The Zentrum des Camps is now in the Begleitung-verlassen.
  • After Einbruch der Dunkelheit, no one dares to miss the Zentrum des Camps.
  • Nights must hold two Promise Night Watchmen at every time. It won’t be long before the Zentrum des Camps is located.
  • Jeden Tag is a star worth using. It is thought of a person who guides this way. The others Teilnehmer bleiben im Camp.
  • In the two weeks that the stars themselves are separated, we can take the trouble.
  • The Star, the Vortrag that the best way to take the next step is that the next step will never happen again.
  • When the Prüfung plays the Star Sterne. Everyone plays Stern in an Essensration-detour. Win of the star remains behind or in the direction of the Prüfung, it is a journey and bohnen.
  • There is a reward for Team Leader. This is responsible for the fact that the fire is not erroneous. There can be such an instruction that can delegate to others.
  • If there was a Team Chief War, it wouldn’t be that all the promises were a bit.
  • The Einteilung der Nachtschicht is the Promis überlassen.
  • Tagsüber müssen alle Stars wach sein.

Essen and Hygiene in Dschungelcamp: Diese Regeln gibt RTL vor

Also the day in the jungle camp is clearly arranged. These facilities are intended for food and hygiene in the camp:

  • Brennholz now wants to see one of the cards Stelle is making.
  • Cigarettes must be carried out in the lagerfeuer. Eight discarded cigarettes provoke women in a buschfeuer.
  • If you can’t avoid a fight, it could be a Mülleimer.
  • Als Grundnahrungsmittel jeden Tag Bohnen und Reis zur Verfügung gestellt.
  • If there is no end to the fruiting period, Pils or part of the bushes is formed – often it is extremely poisonous and firmly under nature protection.
  • After the essence, the bag should be hung immediately after cooking the food.
  • All food must be consumed immediately. It must not be stored longer than one night.
  • The essential remains in the Müllsack are selected.
  • Der Mülleimer must have closed its contents, a wild choice of the time.
  • The water from the Hahn is not a Trinkwasser.
  • The laundry should be washed in the sink with the laundry from the washed crop.
  • The good health of the greenery must be purchased from the water from the hahn.
  • The washing machine must be purchased, so that it can be used and hand washing is not possible.
  • The river never went from Baden to Verfügung.
  • The device can now be cleaned in one of the flushing systems in the Fluss.
  • No water may be washed in the toilet. In the toilet it is a matter of washing and a little scraping. After the toilet one of the two schaufeln-sägespane had become.
  • Die Toilette muss jeden Tag von two Stars were cleaned.
  • Raucher can no longer make a mistake, this time will not be executed.
  • Walking naked or with socks on the ground is forbidden.
  • Luxury item would no longer be able to be purchased or bought.

Dschungelcamp at RTL: All IBES regulations in Überblick

These rules give RTL for communication in the camp for:

  • Before starting the live broadcast, you can gather the stars in the camp center.
  • Im Camp darf ausschließlich Deutsch were spoken.
  • You can always use the microphone. Zum Duschen would be removed, while Schlafen would be the microphone on the Bettes’ head. The microphone is placed on the toilet.
  • Room and technical equipment cannot be used.
  • Many interviews and productions were not discussed.
  • Take care not to spill the liquid or absorb the contents.
  • Serious problems, an expert of psychologists who are engaged in solving problems, can not use their machines. If you are not sure, you can contact a doctor or psychologists.

Rule-breaking was punished and its normal value is not good. Common punishments in the jungle camp affect all Camper. Often the Candidates have to remove their complete luxury article or be punished with cigarette butts.