
Anyway, that was the best food during the summer holidays!

Anyway, that was the best food during the summer holidays!

User Our

Say, the finest Essen is a summer war! The Watsons will have a bad time and spend their time.

Olivier Baroni
Olivier Baroni

Hope to see you soon!

And? How about your summer summer?

Best choice for your toll payment, right?

Clear: You are in the holiday home, the weather is beautiful, the young person on the beach is ready and tomorrow you don’t have to be at work anymore … logical, the world of Essen is better than in the Alltag zu Hause.

A moment when man feels himself is when he himself takes away the Urlaubs-Sommersonne subjectivity – a fact almost fine ist.

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That is not true.
Image: giphy

Desire to enjoy your own experience. Write about us in the comments!

If I can’t even experience a loners in Essen, then the war can end a little in the month. Etwa dieses schlicht unlaubliche oaxakanische Mahl im Restaurant Guelaguetza in Los Angeles:

Oaxaca Food - Restaurant Guelaguetza Koreatown Los Angeles Kalifornien Mexiko Oaxaca mol Tlayuda nopales essen food kochen

Here’s your question: Links are a Little mole green with chicken and Nopales, right one Tlayuda traditional.
Image: obi

Or was this this Goat curry vom Turtle Bay in Liverpool irgendwie … hornier (sorry – find no words for Terminus dafür)? Mir sicherlich vertrauter als oaxakanische Kost, aber sowas von befriedigend:

Curry Goat - Jamaican food Turtle Bay Restaurant Liverpool Jamaika essen kochen gitzi cocktail trinken rum

With a Rum Cocktail it still doesn’t taste good.
Image: obi

Hmm…from Caribbean Curry to Indian: In one of the various Dishoom branches (including restaurants in London, Manchester and Edinburgh) I had a nice meal, but in Shoreditch in London I had a premiere – so what? Shrimp pathiathat was terribly wonderful:

Prawn Pathia at Dishoom Shoreditch London curry essen food shrimps

The thing is, you have to be slim, you have to be strong.
Image: obi

Aber Manchmal is the simplest price which is the best, we will be this Tacos al pastor From the nearby Taco Truck in Downtown Los Angeles, perhaps the best food for my summer trip was. If you have a suitcase in your hand, you can use the magic lighting of Taco Trucks.

street tacos al pastor downtown los angeles DTLA jarritos tamarindo street food essen food kochen VS californien mexiko

Vielleicht also the best street food in the world.
Image: obi

Enjoy your meal, Food Baroni! We’ll be happy in the Watson Editorial afterward!

Peter Blunschi

The Fisherman's Favorite Fischeintopf with Kartoffelstock in Roggenbrot, dazu ein isländisches White Ale Gegessen at Icelandic Street Food in Reykjavik Peter Blunschi

Image: pbu

«‹The Fisherman’s Favorite› – a Fischeintopf with Potato Stock in Roggenbrot; then an Islandic White Ale. Enjoyed with Icelandic street food in Reykjavik.»

Seline Meier

ch muss is leader sagas: Nutmeg in Bristol, in England is one of the best Indian Ashes. (Seline Meier)

Image: seline meier

«I am the leader of legends: Nutmeg in Bristol. In England, it is the best Indian Essen.”

Corina Muelle

Make sure you get a light, soft, oily and salty pepperoni (Peperoni Cruschi) from the Vorspeise and danach gabs stuffed pasta with pepperoni sauce. Gegessen in Matera, Süditalien. (Corina Mühle)

Image: cmu

Make sure you get a light, soft, oily and salty pepperoni (Peperoni Cruschi) from the Vorspeise and danach gabs stuffed pasta with pepperoni sauce. Gegessen in Matera, Süditalien. (Corina Mühle)

Image: cmu

«Getrocknete, lightly süssliche, oil and salted Peperoni (‹Peperoni cruschi›) from Vorspeise and danach gab’s gefüllte Pasta with Peperoni sauce. Gegessen in Matera, Süditalien.»

Daniel Huber

The best food for my summer holiday? Stubbornly it must be a culinary highlight of Rapallo expect. There is a leader who has no photography in Essen. Anyway, gibt's kaum was ...

Image: hub

«The best Essen meiner Sommerferien? Stubbornly, it must be a culinary highlight of Rapallo erwähnen. There is a leader who has no photography in Essen. Anyway, Gibt’s kaum was Besseres als een spätes Frühstück, dan man alle Zeit der Welt hat. Danach ist der Tag dein Freund.»

Adrian Burgler

The photo is not entirely from Essen, as it is not the freshest service counter photography was made. Aber: a self-selected Kalbs-Kotlette vom Grill. Dazu Ofenkartoffeln, Grillgemüse, Kräuterbutter ...

Image: abu

«The photo was taken in Essen without all the dishes, but without the fresh service counter photography was taken. Aber: a self-chosen Kalbskotelett vom Grill. Dazu Ofenkartoffeln, Grillgemüse, Kräuterbutter and a wonderful Rotwein (Pinotage from South Africa). Die Belohnung für eine strengthening Wanderung.»

Back to the beginning

everything, what is in the mountain hut/mountain hut. Combine with the device when you turn off the device. (Reto Fehr)

Image: fox

everything, what is in the mountain hut/mountain hut. Combine with the device when you turn off the device. (Reto Fehr)

Image: fox

«Everything, it was in the Irgendeiner Berghütte or Bergbeiz Gibt. Combine with the device to solve the problem.»

And NOW IHR, dear Userschaft!

Let go! We want to see the wollen euer Ferien-Food! Damn Ab in that Commentare!

Street food in the world – weil man sich sinst nichts gönnt!

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Street food in the world – weil man sich sinst nichts gönnt!

Grilled meatballs – Bangkok.

source: shutterstock / shutterstock

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