
Verfassungsbeschwerde im Sorrechtsstreit een Block-Kinder

Verfassungsbeschwerde im Sorrechtsstreit een Block-Kinder

I am a Sorrechtsstreit a two ihrer Kinder hat sich de Hamburger Unternehmerin Christina Block and the Federal Federal Court in Karlsruhe gewandt. „The Verfassungsbeschwerde wurde von einem auf Verfassungsrecht spezialisierten Rechtsanwalt aus Berlin eingereicht“, erklärte am Montag de Hamburger Anwaltskanzlei Unger, die Christina Block in de Sorrechtsstreit. “The nature of the treatment is different from the rights of the mother and child,” this continues. Zuvor hatte “Welt” über die Beschwerde in Karlsruhe reported.

The Oberlandesgericht no longer considers this to be the case

Blokeer and his ex-husband have been struggling for years to pay compensation for the children of four children between the ages of 10 and 13. Since the end of August 2021, you will live happily ever after in Denmark, and you will be happy if you do not wish to have a mother. The Hanseatic Oberlandesgericht, which received der Mutter das Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht in October 2021, appeared on February 19, 2024, the German goal is no longer the same. The children’s hearts are loved during the Lebensmittelpunkt in Denmark.

Ermittlungen roads Kindesentziehung

During Silvesternacht, both children were brought into a Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion von Unbekannten nach Deutschland. After a targeted targeting action, the mumbling must happen after the Danish welds anyway. Gegen die 51-Jährige und in Vater Eugen Block, Gründer der Restaurant-Kette Block House, ermittelt de Staatsanwaltschaft-wegen des Vorwurfs der Entziehung Minderjähriger. If you are suspected, the Silvesternacht children’s disease will be organized and even more suspects will be accused of your crimes. Bereits morefach ließ die Staatsanwaltschaft Geschäfts- und Privaträume durchsuchen.

Christina Blocks was interested in her work in the Strafsache, because she has spent little time on people who have found a way out, her children with waltzed from Denmark in Hamburg in her work. Eugen Block said about the „Hamburger Abendblatt“ (26.5.2024): „I have never heard more and can say no more.“