
Bitumen in Strassenbau: Recycling und Flanzliche Alternativen

Bitumen in Strassenbau: Recycling und Flanzliche Alternativen

The asphalting of a street is a stinking environment. The construction industry is a suspension of bitumen contamination.
It is possible to recycle more or with asphalt inserts – cashew shells from beispiel.

Nützlich, aber schlecht für das Klima: Bitumen bleibt übrig nach der Gewinnung von Benzin, Diesel and other fossil Energieträgern.

Nützlich, aber schlecht für das Klima: Bitumen bleibt übrig nach der Gewinnung von Benzin, Diesel and other fossil Energieträgern.

Caimi & Piccinni / Redux / Laif

Traffic is blocked. It is warm and rightly burned. Quickly closing the car window and turning on the air conditioning, where work with switches and machines to stimulate the locked is not healthy.

Along this road we roll with a LKW, a damp asphalt connection under an open air stream in a Baufahrzeug-kip, and a waltz, which the fresh Belag-glatten. Finally the end of the construction site is in sight. Weiter the drive goes on a new, deep-black road.

I have received a prize from the Strasse dem Klebstoff, from the Gesteinskörner in Asfalt zusammenhält: Bitumen. The great mass, which produces a waste product from the industry, can take over the production of gasoline, diesel and other fossil fuels. Long-term how it is to have a standard product in the Strassenbau, is uninterrupted.

If you are looking for a source from the source, a fragment comes out: Is there a schlageffect and a new sales path? Grundsätzlich gives a great chance: the one option is one of the erdölindustrie that does not use standard material. Those things are then gestaltet sich schwierig. Die andere Antwort lautet Recycling.

Bitumen is no longer used

For all the federal states in the federal states of Switzerland, where Strassen is rehabilitated as a new company, recycling can play a role in the asphalt processing of Martins Zaumanis from the Empa in Dübendorf: “Asphalt has landed on our Strassen, which has bitumen drin.” And heavy round 50 kilograms in a ton of asphalt. There is a big chance that the temperature of 150 degrees Celsius is higher than the color – otherwise if they are in the Betonstrassen.

A problem has arisen: bitumen, a cocktail of tausenden changes substance, changes in the time of time. There is a component that is resistant to high temperatures. Other compounds are chemically under the Einfluss of Luft and Licht. Information about the bitumen and the stopping of the stone is no longer so good.

The material from the other streets must be interwoven with bitumen or a rejuvenating agent, which is used for the restoration of Klebkraft paper. For these substances there are many products on the market, which contain some of the most commonly used Roh substances.

The Empa-Forscher-wollen met Solchen-zusätzen de Recylingquote op Strassenbau-steigern. In the other asphalt roads, a street is the Zugabe of Recycling Material black and white. On the Fahrbahn deck there was still no view of the Zaumanis.

Tests have shown a recycling performance of 85 percent

In Uster near Zurich, the Zaumanis and the Seine colleagues have been carrying out a test stretch for two years, during which Decke quickly orders a Drittel Alt-Asphalt. At a waste processing plant on the Lukmanier Pass, in Graubünden with the Tessin connection, the recycling in the unterre Schichten is at a height of 85 percent. There are a number of things that occur in the paper and textile industry.

The Strasse in Uster is grimly befahren, the Lukmanierpass is the roads of the high roads that have a witterung-ausgesetzt. If you stop recycling the asphalt, you have to do it the conventional way, like garbage.

The Lebensdauer von Strassen beeinflusse die CO2-Bilanz unserer Gesellschaft entscheidend, sagt van Chemiker Hinrich Grothe von der Technische Universität Wien. Die Restellung einer Tonne Asfalt setzt beef 50 Kilogramm CO2 free, while the extraction of bitumen and the material have the beneficial properties of both components, there are energy-efficient processes. This reduces emissions during construction, but also during the maintenance of traffic routes.

Strassen in Höhenlagen who this test track for Recycling-Bitumen on the Lukmanierpass is, is a trap for Risse.

Strassen in Höhenlagen who this test track for Recycling-Bitumen on the Lukmanierpass is, is a trap for Risse.


The chemical bitumen changes with time

Grothe will oppose the change of bitumen in the emission. With a combination of spectroscopic methods and mechanical tests it is known that the chemical composition of bitumen acquires over time and influences the properties of the materials.

Grothe brings this know-how into its project Nobit (kurz für «No Bitumen»), which was launched in February, and which Volkswagenstiftung with über
700,000 euros advance. The asphalt researcher Michael Wistuba from the Technical University of Braunschweig is leading the project. In 2026, the Wistuba team will make a test drive of asphalt on one of the mind points of a kilometer long, which almost completely changes from the substance roads and plant-based additional surfaces, promoted on a motorway.

It doesn’t look like the repair is one of the best asphalt asphalt, concrete Wistuba. Many methods and systematic methods have been developed to promote asphalt processing from recycled materials. Knowledge of the Ostschweizer Fachhochschule unterstützen das Vorhaben mit Beechnungen zur Nachhaltigkeit and Wirtschaftlichkeit.

At the same time, the Nobit researchers on the market for plant-based asphalt inserts are increasingly looking forward. Hinrich Grothe investigated more than a thousand rejuvenation agents in his work: “The most manufacturers did not tell us what is already in their products.” The detailed list of details is not so heavy. More discoveries will probably be made, because the other bitumen is collected in such a way that the recycling process is less realized.

Fresh oil, fresh resin and a cashew product

“Both three products are clearly visible,” said Wistuba. Once this is done, the project phase is no longer available. On the basis of the additional modifications made by the American agricultural machinery Cargill, they are also responsible for the agricultural resins of the American plastic repairers Kraton und Mittel des Niederländischen Unternehmens Ventraco, die einer ätzenden Füssigkeit from the Schale von Cashewkern and were repaired.

Ventracos cashew products can be used in another category for storage. If you are in a bitumen system, the German startup B2Square is available as «biobitumen». The technology used has started with the launch of the «Manager Magazin» in February 2023. The company Frank Albrecht has brought a revolution in the street in the article as Greentech-bezeichnet.

See Albrecht bought a year ago with the Baukonzern Strabag. Gemeinsam has realized its first pilot project, a road and an asphalt road to an asphalt road, both in Germany. If the cashew extract is only used as a binding agent for the Strassen, it is a matter of a look at the other products. As trunks from the natural asphalt, a gem material from nature and fossils of bitumen, which is bilged from the earth in millions of years.

The asphalt, here in the St. Alban-Vorstadt in Basel, is captured by the air and binds more CO2, if there is any available.

The Asphalt, here in the St. Alban-Vorstadt in Basel, was created, enthält Pflanzenkohle and bindet dadurch more CO2when he is free.

Georgios Kefalas / Cornerstone

When the fossil sources come, you can find a Rätsel

It is a strong power that Albrecht dies. He does not know his fossils. He does not want his resources. There is a lie that you can know that the climate is good, but it is the best of Cashew-Zutat CO2 dauerhaft binde. Zweifel and their Geschäftsmodell bleiben, zim the Vorsilbe «Bio» does not fit so straight on the product.

This is the storage of CO2 In Strassen exotic cashew nut extracts are braucht, special engineers of the Construction and Transport Departments of the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and the Construction specialists Viatec. If you use the Asphalt asphalt mixture, there is a Grillkohle cooling material, the Basler Energy and Water Storage Company IWB from Grünschnitt at 600 degrees Celsius under Luftausschluss production.

Eine Tonne Pflanzenkohle-Asphaltmischung bindet umgerechnet 50 Kilogramm CO2. There is no climate effect, said Michael Schweizer of the cantonal Tiefbauamt, which has broken the properties of the asphalt. So if you are in the Prüflabor study, the asphalt design of the Bildung of Spurrinnen is wider than the herkömmlicher Asfalt.

The climbing-resistant asphalt lasts for years in Testzwecken in Basel, so in the Ruhigen Wohnvierteln as in Strassen with fell LKW-Verkehr. Der Nachbarkanton Basel-Landschaft has made a pilot start.

Auch die Empa understands the Beimischung von Pflanzenkohle

The Pflanzenkohle-Stecke is one of the most common problems in the other asphalt roads, not in the Fahrbahn-dek, erklärt Schweizer. It takes longer for the Zentimeter on the Fahrbahndek to disappear – it is no longer possible to use more Pflanzenkohle. Ausserdem became those schichten that were heavily loaded, because they were more tolerant to compensations.

Abzuwarten remains, who the Pilotstrecken in a few years switch off. The practical tests were carried out, while the road builder could burden the climate so heavily, that the Erderwärmung could be like that again.

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