
Deutsche “Kaiserin” in Italian aufgeflogen

Deutsche “Kaiserin” in Italian aufgeflogen

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A German declares herself in Italian as “Kaiserin” and carries her belongings to her nose. Your Swindel can go untreated for a long time – and it is wonderful not to be treated.

Rom – If you use “Ihre königliche und kaiserliche Hoheit”, you can make a first impression of the sprichwörtlichen Sauce and Braus. Hunderte Bußgelder hat Sandra Nicole Martinez in Italian, but failed number painter and documents are kept for one penalty prosecution. Now a flight from the Schwindel der self-ternannten „Kaiserin“ from Deutschland auf – by a Zufall.

Ermittlungen gegen deutsche “Kaiserin” in Italian

On social media platforms on Instagram, the “Hoheit” are offered a luxurious lifestyle, which sits in a Fuhrpark of Ferraris and Bentleys. Report of the Italian newspaper The Republic hat you with diesen Fahrzeugen innerhalb weniger Monate mehr as 600 Bußgelder cashier. There was an unexpected event that rebranded the Dubai Police as “Kaiserin”.

Sandra Nicole Martinez has given a presentation of her luxurious life in social networks as the “Kaiserin”.
Sandra Nicole Martinez has given a presentation in her luxurious life in the social networks as “Kaiserin”. © Photomontage Instagram/@imperialhouseofglodeni

In March 2024 I started to leave my city in Vorfall, while one Mauer got an e-instürzte and more cars. One of the affected was the war with Ferrari of Martinez. There is a problem with the radiation of the radiation. The marking of the car was abolished, the vehicle was re-used and secured.

We said it was bad that it didn’t work out with the Bentley. Obwohl is a German kennzeichen hat, which another Fahrzeug uses in Deutschland. Also, the traffic jams can be improved by traffic. Erroneous representation can use another man and a trick ordentlich Kasse gemacht, he der Schwindel aufflog.

Mögliche Strafe von bis 100,000 Euro for German “Kaiserin” in Italian

Most benefits in kind begin with compensation through the traffic management zone of the inner city. Dies brought with him a criminal case for an amount of 100,000 euros over the 49 years. In Italian, schon kleine Straßenvergehen sündhaft teuer zijn. Ausgestellt wurden de Bußgelder aber teilweise und een Lkw-Fahrer in Deutschland, auf das kennzeichen register war. If you receive 2600 euros in a verwaltungsstraf, this is an Italian message.

Martinez behauptet, the Kaiserin des “Imperial House of Glodeni” zu sein, das nach eigenen Angaben seinen Sitz in Beirut hat. Laut The Republic The House was registered in Lebanon in February 2024. In Rom soll si Empfänge für Politiker, Geschäftsleute, Kardinäle und Prominente veranstaltet haben.

Now you must consider Martinez and weigh Urkundenfälschung und Betrug. Die Luxusautos wurden von der Polizei beschlagnhmt. Selbiges Schicksal dries on Autofahrern in Österreich, if deutlich zu schnell underwegs since.