
Fans always view Überangebot and Fußball uncritically

Fans always view Überangebot and Fußball uncritically

Medical scientist Christoph Bertling is the football player and football players in more legal areas in the commenden-monaten that are most suitable for the fans without problems. “If the average consumer can see that it is not the case that the football game becomes a Mehrangebot, then it is his choice to select himself,” said Bertling of the “Deutschen Presse-Agentur”. “At least when a man uses a consumer souveränität, such a small problem has arisen.”

Criticism was “for the various providers, who are on a heart of the football market on the market of people with more attractive offers than musts”, says Bertling, he is “a Offers- and a lesser a Receptions-problem”.

Reforms and new Club WM

Over time, the reform of the Europapokalwettbewerbe continued with the writing of a new Spielzeit-new Club-WM with 32 ​​German clubs more parties to see. In theory, players can play more than 60 games in Germany. Exemplary is the absent return match of the new Champions League Anfang 2025 with 18 parallel matches, which is fun with German betting.

I think that the new lawsbewerben have undergone a reform of the bestenden formats, like Bertling. When requesting the Spieltage “könnte zu Resignation und Uberfrachtung kommen, da der Spannungsbogen überstrapaziert würde”, says the Kommunikationsexperte.

Hoeneß uncoupled

About the new football calendar with more participants will be written this week, the clubs and the players become a football for the fans and more a question of burden for the professionals. “It can not be that this increase of competition is stopped”, said Uli Hoeneß. “Reasonable in this business, and black at many large associations, thinking ähnlich. Irgendwann ist enough.” The big football associations of FIFA and UEFA are involved in the community with all the consequences involved.