
This is the restaurant “Triebwerk” at the airport

This is the restaurant “Triebwerk” at the airport

Franz and Anna Innerhofer have enjoyed many years as gastronomes in the community, who have enjoyed their South Tyrolean cuisine in Namur. At the end of 2023, the new standort district and the new restaurant at Augsburger Flughafen will be available. Mittlerweile can be used and put in concept mode in “Triebwerk – South Tyrolean Speckstube” on the large back. Go directly to the Start- and Landebahn. “That is in the form and nature of nature,” says Franz Innerhofer in the South Tyrolean dialect. Sisters with signals Frau and the team are international Fluggäste and Besucherinnen and Besucher from Augsburg and the Region with Specialties from South Tyrol, Bavaria and Italy. “Von Schlutzkrapfen, Spinatnocken, Schweinebraten, Lasagne bis zu Nudelgerichten is everything dabei,” says Innerhofer. The Speisekarte was called a new tag, which brought Abwechslung, erzählt der Gastronom. At the Counter you can take your product to a higher level.

Environment The guesthouse of the “Triebwerk – Südtiroler Speckstube” has no flair, but the man is a woman who uses his names. Stattdessen is the restaurant with an American Diner, together with the bar konzipiert and, fitting the location, a theme-flygerei-decoroirt. So Baumeln von der Decke Modelllugeuge and one of the Wände sees a Tapete, on the large a Flugzeug prangt. The large window front gives the Blick a free flight. The back door is busy every day with a rustic device, while you occasionally click on the Start- and Landebahn of the Flughafens. Bonus for small guests vergeht so die Warmtezit auf das Essen sprichwörtlich als in Flug.


The “Triebwerk-Südtiroler Speckstube” in the Augsburger Flughafen is in the style of an American Diners Gestaltet.
Photo: Peter Fastl

Price tag The Speisekarte would take a long time, an Abwechslung to buy. They are specialties in South Tyrol, Bayern, Italy and the world. So you can choose from other Spinatnocken auf dem Plan, aber auch Schlutzkrapfen, the Speckplatte, the Meeresfrüchtesalat, a Schnitzel Wiener Art, a bayerischer Wurstsalat or just the Currywurst. All the little things like a vinschgerle with cheese and bacon or a schnitzel semmel were made. At the Zutaten, erzählt Inhaber Franz Innerhofer, leg er Wert auf Qualität. Viele seiner Waren is von Handwerkbetrieben in Südtirol. Darunter with Gams- and Hirschwurst and sogar das Knödelbrot for the Nocken.

Price They cost €4.30 for a portion of the pommes plus €9.80 for the sausage salad up to €15.80 for the speckplatte or €16.80 for a cordon bleu with pommes. Allerdings the portions are larger. No one should be hungry for Tisch gehen. Apfelschorle or Spezi in large quantities since 3.80 Euro additional price.

Other people use the South Tyrolean Speckplatte with Gurke, Kase and Kaminwurz on the Speisekarte.

Other people use the South Tyrolean Speckplatte with Gurke, Kase and Kaminwurz on the Speisekarte.
Photo: Peter Fastl

Employ It is a family and friendly atmosphere.

Opening hours Das Restaurant hat von Dienstag bis Sonntag von 11 bis 21 Uhr geöffnet. Warm Küche available between 11.30 am and 7.30 pm. From September 2 it is Sonntag Ruhetag. Das Restaurant probably has fans who make a reservation for the urgent empfohlen.

Barrier-free The restaurant can only accommodate multiple seats. An upgrade is not possible.

Faziet The ambient surroundings of the first view of a South Tyrolean Speckstube are clearly visible from the surroundings of the Augsburger Flughafen. The combination of both creates a family atmosphere that gives the restaurant its charm. The Auswahl and uninteresting reports stopped spreading the hunger and the small hunger was achieved.

Die Inhaber vom Restaurant Triebwerk am Flughafen, Anna and Franz Innerhofer - PAUSCHALFOTO - PAUSCHALFOTO - PAUSCHALFOTO
At Augsburg Airport you can visit our own restaurant – together with a larger view with a look at the history. The Speisekarte offers a good choice.