
Siphon stinks: So you are free from spilling water

Siphon stinks: So you are free from spilling water

Beim Siphon acts as a Rohr system under the Wasch or Spülbecken. The geschwunge Rohr is the binding form of Becken and Wand. Everything, everything, was by Becken in the Abfluss, passed on the Siphon.

It is the peculiarity of the siphon that the liquid comes out of the device, while the detergent is fixed. Daher is usually constructed as a U-shape. Fliest water through the siphon, pales on the U-shape as a residual water in the pipe. The image of the siphon is a natural barrier.

Also read: Cleaning spülbecken: Getränkkracht Abfluss direkt wieder free

If you take the water out of the spülbecken, you can use the passion of Siphon, while you go through the speisereste and work with the time of the ablagerungen. Dadurch can be a big challenge to get a ​​​​smelling education.

If it is not good, it is a new siphon that you need to use. When you can use the Rohr system, you can do some simple household cleaning tasks.

It’s not child’s play, but a bit expensive and cost-effective.

Clean the siphon with Essig and Backpulver

Two absolute miracles, which have a great chance in the Haushalt, are Backpulver and Essig. If you clean a siphon with a siphon, it may be that you occasionally use the Esslöffel backpulver directly in the liquid and apply half a cup after cleaning.

The watching and spraying is a sieve, the chemical reaction function and the house in the working machine. The longer it takes, the more liters of water can be boiled.

Also let: Abflus stinks? Diese Hausmittel Helfen Schnell

Cleaning the siphon with Cola

Auch Cola can help, Ablagerungen and Co. in Siphon zu losen. Here is one of the two bags of Coke in the dishes and a night of welding. Anchorage with fresh water. The enthaltene Säure-sorgt dafür, dass ich de Ablagerungen los.

The Siphon zur Reinigung abmontieren

The siphon can be cleaned manually. Diesen hierzu mit een Zange abschrauben en een een een Darrunter, das das übrig gebliebene Abwasser nicht in de Schrank läuft.

You can clean the siphon in another Becken or in the vacuum cleaner. If you clean the device completely and make a brush, with the rohr system comes, it is so that you clean it.

Alternatively, a pump or a stirred cleaning spiral can be used. At Amazon, part of the costs have been made a financial contribution.

> Here you can use the Abflussspiralen-Set at Amazon-nachshoppen.*

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