
With new swing in the Bundesliga-Spielzeit

With new swing in the Bundesliga-Spielzeit

We see rasta fighters, with a new trainer and a nice start of the basketball-bundesligist basketball game on September 29th in the new season. The first test games are completed.

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Fight – Vieles ist bei Rasta Vechta nach der strong Vergangen Saison mit Platz sechs in der Hauptrunde gleich geblieben. And yet the basketball Bundesligist in the Oldenburger Münsterland is a bit new during the season start on Sunday, September 29.

Marko Bacak (right) changes from the Gladiators Trier to Rasta Vechta II. Before the war started, the EWE Baskets Oldenburg was active.

New coach, new idea

The biggest merit at Rasta on the Trainerposition statt. At the moment Ulm walks around, Ty Harrelson acts as a representative of the Vecht, nor during the season of the Austrian Martin Schiller. The 42-year-olds, the Lithuanian Euroleague-Club will train the Kaunas and the Spanish Erstligisten Basket Zaragoza, will play as a new team a new week on the coming Saison for. I think that Schiller, the co-trainer of Artland Dragons from the Quakenbrück war, finds his playing philosophy with profis näherbringen.

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In Joel Aminu, Joschka Ferner, Johann Grünloh, Ryan Schwieger and Luc van Slooten are the core of the Mannschaft together, but they will first internalize the idea and the tactical Ansätze. Our Rasta-Kader consists of Tyger Campbell, Isaiah Cozart, Jayden Gardner, Brandon Randolph, Justin Robinson and Grant Sherfield.

Schiller’s play idea is one of the most successful things in the bisherigen two Test games. Gegen die both Zweitligisten Eisbären Bremerhaven (92:83) and Phoenix Hagen (75:73) gab’s jewels Erfolge. A Diesem Donnerstag wartet in the Hamburg Towers of the first Bundesligist der Vorbereitung.

When the League starts, there is no test on the program. On August 28 it will be the Niederländische Erstligist Donar Groningen at Gast, on September 1 the only open Vorbereitungsspiel will be held. I am a fan of the fan tags with team awards for the battle against the Belgian Club Leuven Bears. Anschließend next nor Partien gegen Ligakonkurrent Löwen Braunschweig (7. September) as well as a Viererturnier (13./14. September) at KC Szombathely aus Ungarn.

Erster Testspielsieg in Denmark: Justin Jaworski (vorne) dribbles the ball.


A woman where Vechta was eigentlich in the new Bundesliga-Saison began. Stubborn. When the Auftaktpartie de Baskets Bonn begins, the night is still no party. The Rheinländer takes place from 20 to 22 September and the qualifying round for the Champions League. Rasta started on 29 September auswärts at Academics Heidelberg. On 1 October, the Schiller-Team was selected in the Champions League at Galatasaray Istanbul.

Niklas Benter