
The Anime” has no potential and my confusion is ignored

The Anime” has no potential and my confusion is ignored

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The Anime” has no potential and my confusion is ignored
A photo from “Rick and Morty: The Anime” © adult swimming

Who says the name, deals with “Rick and Morty – The Anime” in the animated version of the cult series “Rick and Morty”. If a real-life version is shown, no animation variant of the display can be shown. The question, which is here in Raum: Brauchen is at all possible?

Spoiler warning – this message may appear on the fortification of the handlung enthalten!

A science fiction anime? Look at the characters, unidentified battle scenes and epic moments. So imagine me one of Anime, where the protagonists miss their Raum and Zeit-jumpen. If the American American series Rick and Morty starts, then Staffeln is more a great material, a remake with full content. Is the anime version of the credible series gelungen? I have taken the first next step and this is my favorite activity.

Do you like “Rick & Morty: The Anime”?

It seems that Rick and Morty: The Anime is almost gleich. It is one of the eccentric scientists Rick Sanchez, who occasionally has the expensive trinket and here and a few fiesen spruch on a lager hat. There is a life going on with Beth and the family, bestowed by Ehemann Jerry and the children Summer and Morty. Moreover, it is so that Rick has a good idea and no longer both end up in the cosmos and various parallel universities. If the children find the toll and change their lives, then definitely do not stop the Eltern.

The background of the new film can be seen since the summer of 2020 and 2021 in Kurzfilms “Samurai & Shogun”, “Rick and Morty vs. Genocider” or “Summer Meets God (Rick Meets Evil). Because these did not look good, there was a series production that took place on the Grundlage base.

If you do something different, are you something different?

Director Takashi Sano has a big fan of the intergalactic duos. It is so that the light has fallen, but it is a fact that you can follow your own direction. A war in which the short films play a role is criticized. Der Stoff wurde also in vertical Hände übergeben.

Was he really passive in the Series? In Folge the man would be almost immediately in the Handlung here. There was never a problem and the man did not end up in space immediately. Of course including anime intro with a Japanese pop song suffix.

Rick was attacked by aliens and accused as a terrorist, but his own war is now an attack. The real Rick is one of the most talented people in the Parallel Universe. Morty is one of the best VR games you can play, where reality and the fictional game play out. A magical and potential love interest for Morty touches the imagination of the image.


If I got a sequel with ‘Rick and Morty: The Anime’, it was a fact that it was not a real war. I may still use the Japanese accents, we will have a larger Anime-Fan bin. Allerdings find that it is damage, the man is not able to achieve this, more in the direction of his gehen. Alles is vom Look and Feel could be one of the original things. I wanted a version, which has more individuality, but the Zeichenstil is absolutely not found. For fans it is a tolle overbrückung, a Staffel acht zijn warten. For anime fans… this is an alternative variant. Drei von fünf Sterne.