
Alle gegen die Grünen: Was the Vier-Parteien-Koalition in Hamburg-Nord?

Alle gegen die Grünen: Was the Vier-Parteien-Koalition in Hamburg-Nord?

Florian Gasser © Florian Thoss for DIE ZEIT/​Other

Dear reader, dear reader,

I hang and am Leben. Deshalb mede ich deutsche Autobahnen. It has been stopped. I will be happy in a Schienenersatzverkehr von Munich in the direction of Innsbruck and could quickly see no further than the window: a smaller Fiat 500 chased a worn-out Porsche, a Mercedes quickly reversed, and a motorcyclist swung himself irridatorily through. And that’s all with a fast 200 kilometers.

Liebe Deutsche: Ihr habt sie maar nicht alle!

I come yes from Tyrol. When it comes to life, while you are in the Urlaub and more fahren, while you mingle, whether a vignette that makes müssen, or the Maut envelops, compensate your landstraßen by buying and dort all on the nerves.

When people are socialized on German highways today, this is one of the things they do
Austria come – wo, who in most countries does not have the high wind speed, is now an unconnected Empfehlung –, now, then the conflict.

It is a small right, and to be honest, when a German Kennzeichen is on one of the most reichische autobahns, it gets nervous. Before that, an “M” is a good choice. The people from Munich, who are on the way to the house on Lake Maggiore or to my Anwesen in Kitzbühel, are very honest, who live their Klischees schon hart out. The convertible hood is enormous, the light is extremely proportional and it is a straight track, which is prominently ignored.

The “M” is no longer “HH” on the number table. If so, I’m busy. The car and the passage are often surprising, but it may be that you are on your way to the days, fully packed until under the roof, you are happy in Italy and know so that your vehicle has been built in Blinker.

Woran das lies? Keine Ahnung. Vielleicht weil sie our Österreichern often sehr ähnlich since. My college Florian Zinnecker is a great success, Hamburg be like Vienna only without Habsburg. If my other university colleague Christian Ankowitsch has developed a stele and done otherwise, I do not find the Beobachtung so false.

The Baroque feels a little better with the Alster, the Prunk and an ingenious coffee house. Other people have both the right to things and can make a self-made choice for the best lies. And, nor a Gemeinsamkeit: Who in Hamburg, also for Austria a Newsletter of the TIME. There is a “Gemischter Satz”, an ordinary day, and you can do something else here.

Also: Hamburg and the signal “HH” are always changing with the German Automobile. Looking forward to reading the news about “Alarm for Cobra 11”.

I wish I had a beautiful day!

Your Florian Gasser

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© Georg Wendt/​dpa

And besuchen deutlich mehr Frauen as Manner Theater, Museums and other cultural institutions. The famous Cultural Senator Carsten Brosda (SPD). Demnach sind 61 Prozent des Kulturpublikums weiblich, 38 Prozent men, een Prozent divers. Die meisten haben einen Hochschulabschluss (64 Prozent; Abitur oder eine Ausbildung hätzätzliche 26 Prozent). Nur 17 Prozent kommen aus een Familie mit Migrationsgeschichte (in Vergleich zu 34 Prozent der Stadtgesellschaft). One of the fragments started with 13,600 people, and the battle between the senators first started with the Elbphilharmonie for a year. If you get new ideas, let the Werbekampagne “Strange is possible”, the great youth and young experienced answers, which are unterrepräsentiert. Unser Pressefoto said Besucher des Kunst- und Musikfestivals MS Dockville vom vergangen Wochenende.

The privately funded The New Institute presented its bisherige Arbeit zum summer 2025. Der Ansatz, Gäste aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Aktivismus nach Hamburg zu holen, damit si in eenjährigen Aufenthalten gemeinsam Lösungen für gesellschaftliche Probleme entwickeln, habe sich nicht bewährt, sagte de Geschäftsführer in Britta Padberg. If you make concrete, it will appear in another form that it will no longer be considered. The institutes in Warburgstraße were insulted and the Entlassung von Personal would be inexorable. The new institute has funded and funded Erck Rickmers University. In Autumn 2020 there will be a Plane side. Bisher had kept them in mind, and the project was born during the year. Read more about the New Institute here.

For those with weitem Abstand meisten People who live under nightlife Lärm, is the road traffic the problem. That said, Environmental Senator Jens Kerstan (Green). Last night, around 215,000 Hamburg women and Hamburgers were affected by the low roads, compared to 9,400, the nights of U- and S-Bahns were guarded, and 1,500, who were under the influence of the flu. One of these decisions and the fact that there are a number of re-occurrences, the Senate will bring Dutzende Straßen to the nightly Tempo-30-Zones in the coming years. The installation is a time-consuming activity, the man has not done any painting work, but a number of the many switches that are needed, is a nightly race that stands out.

In all times

That Urteil gegen die frühere KZ-Sekretärin Irmgard F. is Rechtskräftig. The entschied stern of the Bundesgerichtshof Die Zahl der Unternehmensgründungen in Hamburg has increased. I have been Halbjahr on 2.912 Neugründungen, so fell on 2018 niece About the police reports: Bei a Auseinandersetzung zier Gruppen am U-Bahnhof Billstedt ist a Mann durch Messerstiche be received. And after the Absturz eines Balkons in Langenhorn in der Vergangen Woche ist one of the sechs Affected nun and the following seiner Verletzungen gestorben


All against the Greens

In Bezirk Hamburg-Nord, a four-party SPD-led coalition has embarked on a joint mission: Green administrative chief Michael Werner-Boelz is gone. Read an article about the article by ZEIT:Hamburg editor Frank Drieschner here.

It is “a Kette von Kleinigkeiten” who “has different tools for themselves”. So the form is Tina Winter, the new SPD Fraktionsvorsitzende. Man has given a Wahlkampf new Schwerpunkt-setzt, “we will live happily ever after, so we can join the other parties”. I said I was Lena Otto.

In the course of the social democracy in the Hamburg-Nord region, the long coalition with the Greens in the Bezirksversammlung aufzukündigen and itself with three other parties has become a part of the CDUof the FDP and of the European Party Volt. The separation has arisen, while a bundle has been made, everything is possible with a well-functioning hat. Although the Nord-SPD still has “trustworthy and reliable together”, the Nord-SPD can no longer go to the half-time of the legislature in a Zwischenbilanz der grün-roten Coalition-berichtet and in the background of journalists and journalists appear, but also not for the Districts choice in June. “Das war vor der Wahl”, said Lena Otto now.

The Nord district is home to the second largest of the seven Hamburg districts with a whopping 330,000 residents. The choice that has shifted the power balance here is only minimal. The green left are the strongest faction, lost after four seats, so-called full with a dezidiert green agenda with three seats in the new district assembly one. The SPD is after who is for the most sustainable kraft paper, which has won a place. The social democracies that are united with the CDU and the FDP are intact, a better deal – and they want a new coalition and another hit.

If the new coalition is formed in a long-term way, one of the things could be, read more in the new phase of ZEIT ONLINE.

For full articles


©Marc Krause

“Viele Elternen heute am Limit zu sein – even die, both denen on dem Papier everything rosy läuft: good finances, healthy children, two taxable alternatives.”

Das Personal von Kitas ist überdurchschnittlich oft von Krankheit affected (in Hamburg zählten die Krankenkassen 33.2 Fehltage per Jahr, federal weight is 29.6). One follow-up: As soon as possible, the next order will continue. Is it one of the gründes that could be considered? Marie Köpf, author at ZEIT ONLINE, knows that the phenomenon of most burnouts occurs, read in her article here.


Hamburg gilded as Hochburg der gemeinnützigen Stiftungen. It was all that happened and how often the Stiftungslandschaft is, it said that it was at the Stiftungsstadium. In diesem Jahr finds he from 6. to 14. September statt. The program is varied and offers workshops in open-air cinema, debates, performances, programs, guided tours and open house parties.

Hamburg Foundation Stage6.–14.9.


Buntes Ottensen – House entrance in der Friedensallee © Ulrich Werner Kuske


Summer in Park. Two children are one of the Teich-swimming Enten family, who were born from a large Canadian family. Say a child to others: “Good grief, one Oberente!”

Heard by Werner Völler


Was it expensive to save the world? – An ephemeral shipbuilder founded a research institute on the Alsterufer. The best thinker in the world will die after the Hamburg Castle, the larger fragments of the gegenwart-klaren – and erntet dafür Häme. Was it a new institute? (From the archive, April 2024)

Alle Grünen (Z+) – In Bezirk Hamburg-Nord, an SPD-favored coalition with four parties has started a common ground: The Green executive chief Michael Werner-Boelz is gone.

Why are parents so stressed here? (Z+) – The diagnosis of parent burnout is correct. It is not the case that the numbers are so high in the western industrial countries. What do German parents burn out?