
Delignit: Temporäre Schwäche at überzeugendem Gesamtbild

Delignit: Temporäre Schwäche at überzeugendem Gesamtbild

The Performances of SMC Research go to the first Halbjahr outside the door Delignit AG (ETR:) swach fallen out. The SMC analyst Adam Jakubowski, who saw his estimates and his course change, saw the Schwäche as one of the best options at “Buy”.

The first Halbjahr 2024 was launched by SMC-Research at Delignit schwach ausgefallen. Stipulated by the small business owners, the general economic benefits as well as individual problems can be solved, with a strong return on investment of 24 percent of 36.7 million. Euro hinnehmen müssen. When the Ausmaß des Rückgangs came through the very ordering force of the previous answer, it became verdeutlich that it was reausorderernd by the active Umfeld. It is so common that most of the products in the core automotive sector are affected. Damp can be used by the enormous size of the smaller segments of technological applications, which produce a huge amount of paint production and production and production products to the tune of 89 percent on 4.0 million. Euro clattered seen.

If you switch off the materials, you can deal disproportionately with the fact that the consequences of the use of the material are influenced by the German, while a kräftiger gewin is no longer in accordance with the circumstances. The EBITDA has quickly halved to 2.3 million. The euro has fallen, the EBIT has fallen and the results have risen to a jewelry value of 60 percent.

There may be a mistake due to the free cash flow that is used, which allows for more German investments. These investments were put on the back burner, but were absorbed in the next phase of the new company’s development. If you are looking for an analyst, you are investigating an attractive technology, with no re-examination of the mobile addressing, so that you can find an excellent market in recent years, a large research component and a solid bilanz.

The analysts who are doing research will take the time to do stocks and calculations for 2025 with wieder German higher economies and a lot of problems and issues. It is a fact that there is a fortification of the bisherigen Wachstumskurses, which are constantly increasing the potential of the production innovation.

In detail, the analysts have changed in their reaction to the Halbjahreszahlen, but the picture has definitely become bigger. For this background, you can best “buy” in your time with a price of 7.90 euros.

(Quelle: Aktien-Global-Researchguide, 21.08.2024 at 9:25 am)

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The financial analysis performed started on 21.08.2024 at 7:27 and was published on 21.08.2024 at 8:15.

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