
Media award for Donald Tusk and Kosovo President Osmani

Media award for Donald Tusk and Kosovo President Osmani

The prize of the Medienkonferenz M100 Sanssouci Colloquium was held that year by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani. Both saw “invisible impulses for a democratic free community”, with Potsdam Mayor Mike Schubert (SPD) receiving the divorce. Tusk stood “for an unerring struggle against autocracy”. Osmani had “waged a long war with the development and insight of the young democracy in a certain region”.

With the Medienpreis M100 Media Award, the election of women and women, while men are rewarded, in their Heimat gegen protesteren and for Freiheit and Human Rights einsetzen. The prize will be canceled during the Media Conference on September 12.

The organization of the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) is speaking at the Veranstaltung in Potsdam. For the Verleihung discutieren around 80 Chefredakteurinnen and Chefredakteure also Vertreter aus Wissenschaft, Politik and Zivilgesellschaft. This is one of the information and research information of Europe that aims the Krieges in Ukraine.

I have been supporting the Iranian Freedom Movement “Women, Life, Freedom” for a year. The Laudatio was held by EU Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen. The bisherigen preisträgern zählen include the frühere Außenminister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the Russian opposition Alexei Nawalny and the Ukrainian People.