
ACTION IM FOKUS: SFC wieder mit hohem Kursgewinn – Experten bleiben probably | 21.08.24

ACTION IM FOKUS: SFC wieder mit hohem Kursgewinn – Experten bleiben probably | 21.08.24

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – The Aktien von SFC Energy has named a Mittwoch track on its Erholungsweg new Anlauf. I had not lost a German Kursgewin after the Quartalsbericht in the Schlusshandel, but now the Kurs wieder um 7.9 Prozent an other erreichte with 21.80 Euro signal Vortageshoch, that is the highest level since fast two months intspricht.

Analysts from Bankhaus Metzler and the investment bank Oddo BHF are convinced that the market is positive about the Brennstoffzellen specialists, who were neither Aktien nor Anfang August in the turbo lenses and the Aktienmarken were at the lowest level when Anfang April was finished.

Metzler analyst Alexander Neuberger called his purchase recommendation, when the quarter in the Vergleich zum voorherigen Record Quarter was more gewesen be. There is a sense that the Company gauntlet is in the process, the German Capacities are being pulled out of the closet. Before this background is a solid quarter gewesen. A department of SFC that opts for the energy sector, is a profitable Wachstum with a remarkable capitalization and a solid Bilanz. The action is not possible in the Vergleich by a delighting Vergleichsgruppe.

Usama Tariq from Oddo BHF has achieved a positive result and can even be encouraged with your vote as “Outperform”. Make sure you think about it in the first few years. The management has a lot of problems with the delivery of English products and productions that have to be fully executed in a quarter and that can perform Auslieferungen. If Tariq’s course costs 26 euros, Neuberger’s course costs 30 euros but is surpassed. Last month’s course costs 40 percent. Course statistics./tih/ajx/jha/