
ROUNDUP/Aktien New York: Uneinheitlich – Warten auf Jackson Hole Von dpa-AFX

ROUNDUP/Aktien New York: Uneinheitlich – Warten auf Jackson Hole Von dpa-AFX

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – The US trade agreement is not a clear indication of the direction after the moderate trend towards the middle of the week. Industrial sank by 0.18 percent to 40,761.59 points in the middle of the week. The market width is 0.07 percent to 5,600.79 points. For technology sustainability, this is a price of 0.13 percent to 19,745.09 euros.

Before I started the Thursday with the Notenbanker-Treffen in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I started the Kursbewegungen in Grenzen. The Anleger would do everything on the Speech of Jerome Powell in the Freitag. The head of the US-Notenbank (Fed) was vermutlich by the inflation research and the markets in a sensory way in September, when the experts of the Trading platform Etoro were informed.

Aus Branchensicht is stehen am Mittwoch die Aktien von Einzelhändlern im Fokus. So put the paper from Macy’s on 14 days after the Kaufhauskette in the Umsatzausblick reduziert hatte. The Discounter Goal (NYSE:) The hotplate turns on a hotplate and a quarter turn on the comparable surface the market quartile. The papers sucked in at 12.5 percent.

Walmart’s (NYSE:) share price was 0.5 percent. The electronic trading group is active in the field of trading on (NASDAQ:), which is one of the Chinese online retailers. After Walmart established an eight-year partnership, one of the Chinese tech giants became the company that Umfeld appointed when he took over.’s shares were worth 6.2 percent.

The Anteilscheine von Ford (NYSE:) lays a 1.6 Prozent zu. The Autobauer is committed to developing new electric vehicles and will produce these cars as hybrid variants. Das Unternehmen schreibt in diesem Zusammenhang 400 Millionen Dollar ab. In the best part of the bet, you can expect a value of $1.5 billion.

Vector’s paper costs $7.7 at $15.07 US-dollars nach. The Japanese tobacco company JT has a value of $15 in Vector action and will be used with the second position in the United States.

The title of Keysight Technologies is one of the 12 prozent, nachdemer of Messinstruments a better as vom Markt erwarteten Ausblick auf the laufende Quartal veröffentlicht hatte.