
Getränke für Kinder grime überzuckert – Foodwatch fordert Zuckersteuer

Getränke für Kinder grime überzuckert – Foodwatch fordert Zuckersteuer

In child abuse it is better that Zucker fell. Criticism of the consumer organization Foodwatch in an active analysis. The average market analysis said that there were 136 117 (86 Percent) on a Zuckergehalt of more grams on 100 Milliliter came.

Sechseinhalb Zuckerwürfel in a Glass Limo

More than half of the tested amounts contained a strong amount of liquid – eight grams to 100 milliliters. I believe you did the test on a Zuckerwürfel Pro Glass test.

Who is Foodwatch?
Foodwatch comes from English and means Lebensmittelüberwachung. In 2002 the organization was founded as a gemeinnütziger Verein, which undermined the rights and the quality of life. It is financed by investments and expenditures and an overview of the national debt.

Federal Center for Political Education

Especially the lemonade and the safe in the Trinkpäcken, it is one of the best ways to warm up Zuckeranteil. The aim of a study on Foodwatch is a dose or a package at manchen products, one of the German companies for maximum insurance for children of 25 grams per tag that there are or so are überschreiten.

The same mix and sugar indicate that you should analyze your next energy drinks. No longer that Foodwatch itself starts a year-long coffee break for children’s orders, or the citizens’ council “Enjoyment in the walk” of the Bundestag after a single word in its recommendations with on. But the Federal Government imposes an old limit on sales, such as with beer and wine from the age of 16, ab. The trade is itself surpassing, with energy drinks and a minor sale.

Foodwatch is working on Zuckersteuer

If you choose a pediatrician, warns the Munich Mediziner Berthold Koletzko. Other people get overweight, type 2 diabetes and carias that follow. Alternative options for making a choice from self-chosen lemonade with zitrone, minze or Beeren sein.

For sales, it would be worth buying from a large supermarket to answer the packaging childishly.