
Nicht nur NVIDIA-Action: BofA-Analyst prognostiziert bevorstehende Erholung bei these Chip-Titeln | 22.08.24

Nicht nur NVIDIA-Action: BofA-Analyst prognostiziert bevorstehende Erholung bei these Chip-Titeln | 22.08.24

• Experten rechnen mit Erholung des Chipsektors
• NVIDIA will especially benefit from this
• KI-Einführung nor in Anfangsphase

After all, you will be able to cope with the conflict, and you will be able to gain expertise from experts with the potential to gain insight from the chip sectors. These are particularly important for customers with NVIDIA, which dominate the Halbleitermarkt, for a German Erholung, and are informed by Vivek Arya, Bank of America-Analyst. In one message, there are forecasts that some chips can be found after seasonal changes. In particular, NVIDIA, one of the world’s most successful customers in the field of graphics processors and KI chips, has therefore become a potential gainer of current KI and chip data. Laut Arya seien Schwankungen in der Halbleiterbranche keine Seltenheit. What we do now is a new Wendepunkt, which is why the fourth quarter for Chip-Unternehmen eigentlich traditionell schwächer ausfalle, such as the BofA-Analyst. Particularly with regard to the nature of the KI-gesteuerten Technologies and Rechenzentren hich, und NVIDIA, sei durch seine marktführenden Product in einer starken Position, diese Bedürfnisse zu serv, erklärt there in subsequent messages. Laut Arya hätten die Aktien von Arm Holdings, Micron Technology und ON Semiconductor ebenfallen good Chancen, im Falle eenines “Wiederauflebensszenarios und eenner möglicher Rally mit hohem Beta”, herausragende Positionen zu können.

Think about it without understanding it

Messages from MorningStar show that some investors are concerned about their results, based on the artistic intelligence that will bring the new returns to the investment. Arya erklärt in seinem Message, that’s the case. Think about it “justified, all things fresh and without any negative consequences” seien. Denn: Die Ausgaben für KI seien “ebenso defensiv (Schutz der Dominanz in den Bereichen Suche, social Netzwerke or E-Commerce) wie offensive (new Einnahmequellen)”, writes there. Laut Arya stecke die Einführung von KI – insonderee auf Staatlicher Ebene – nor in the Kinderschuhen and NVIDIAs neuer Blackwell-Chip, der “am best für KI geeignet sei”, nor in the Market erhältlich. “With other words: You are still alive, that is the large Cloud provider with low KI Rendite eingestehen”, writes the BofA analyst in this article. Nevertheless, there is one thing that the Cloud Trends were able to achieve, “or they could be overfilled and volatile”. Die Geschäftsdynamik sei jedoch in others Bereichen des Halbleitersektors undurchsichtiger, so Arya.

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