
Soll Deutschland more Entertainment car?

Soll Deutschland more Entertainment car?

Guten Morgen liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

This sitze-gerade fell for the Fernseher, and black from beruflichen Gründen. It is one of the few problems in my job. Reason for politics, stage discussions, talk shows, debates in parliaments: All that is necessary in my natural standard formats, so that you can see more messages.

I won’t make a big fuss here. After all, I will be able to make use of it, so that the changes can be made almost certainly see. The red colors themselves, es were the ever-gleichen Worthülsen of the ever-gleichen Menschen dictates our taste.

But things are different in the last days and weeks. If I was beruflich when the Fernseher was sitting, I have a tatsächlich Spaß. Denn die Bilder des Nominating Parties for the US Democratsand to also have theirs RepublicansBecause it was many other people, it was one of the well-known Party landscapes. The red journey of the audience in the hall is no longer of politics, but also of other prominent and lauter music. Everything is bigger, bigger, warming up and doing everything differently.

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Jubilant nominations by US Democrats: audience stops in their tracks. (Source: Alyssa Pointer/reuters)

The Party of Democrats and Republicans are showing a big show. If the politics of the Beobachters is concerned with the fact that Pomp became so fast, it was no longer so. A so-called great Inszenierung were but in Germany Fehl am Platz. So it is not that German and American politics are no longer compared. If it is no longer so, the German part is not some other from the other side of the world.

The Bandbreite desses were members of the American Democrats in Chicago, where they had a great chance. Doug Emhoff, the Ehemann by Kamala Harrisspoke etwa before the 12-month relationship, in 2013 it was an unrequited time that Frau had gotten a first date. The Rapper Little Jon If you hit the large amounts, it will no longer be possible to stop in the seat.

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Lil Jon: The Rapper is performing on the score. (Source: Chip Somodevilla/getty-images-bilder)

Vom Podium reports to basketball coach Steve Kerr. It was a real Spieler with Michael Jordan in Chicago, a big Triumph and he played with the US as a Trainer in Paris in Goldmedaille. Oh yes, also not as Redner dabei: Präsident Joe Biden and its predecessors Barack Obama and Bill Clinton together with the ehefrauen Jill, Michelle and Hillary.

All these machines can be cleaned and brought in so that they no longer end up in Lachen. It’s great to die Republicans if you are the wrestling legend Hulk Hogan das Shirt vom Leib reißt, der Musiker Child Rock the amount taken or Donald Trump Seine Rede stops, with hints on the Bildschirmen an überdimensionierte white House zu seen.

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Hulk Hogan: The wrestling legend for Donald Trump. (Source: Mark Reinstein/imago-images-bilder)

Of course, political interference in the US Wahlkampf is not planned. I compare with German Wahlkampfveranstaltungen and Parteitage trotzdem entsetzlich trist. Tatsächlich glaubt Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz until today, sein blasses Auftreten sei a large Stärke. “Ich bewerbe mich schließlich as Kanzler and nicht als Zirkusdirektor”, says that it has been a few years since they can no longer be used.

If the signal leader Angela Merkel was different. That’s their partner Joachim Sauer and Britta Ernst do they both die in Reason or are they talking, who is the final figure? Nahezu unvorstellbar. Lobreden auf die Nachfolger? Letzten SPD-Kanzler Gerhard Schröder will no longer delete participation in the study. Ond Angela Merkel will not hesitate to delete more information from the CDU, but do not hesitate to update the party chief Friedrich Merz.

The musical instruments are not yet complete. Ob SPD fan Roland Keizer for the social democracies it was like Lil Jon could help the US Democrats, they would separate themselves. Leslie Mandoki It is at the CDU a common guest and hat in the sale of Wahlkampfhymnen components. The other Dschingis Khan-Klassiker “Moskau” was during the Christian Democrats who would have spent a carefree time.

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Armin Laschet (CDU) and Leslie Mandoki: Der Musiker plays Wahlkampflieder for the CDU. (Quelle: Frederic Kern/imago-images-bilder)

These brands are clean: It is schwierig, wahrscheinlich sogar unfair, the Gepflogenheiten im US-Wahlkampf einfach with danes in Deutschland zu vergleichen. American politics will probably get a strong personal development and charisma, if this is the fall. Without pathos, superlative or bad slogans like “Yes, we can” or “Make America Great Again” are a wahl-gewinnen in the US, where the Merkel-CDU schonmal with such a plea for slogans like “For a Germany, in which we live well and happily” (#FEDIDWGUGL) was for itself.

The American party is the boss of Inszenierung. Here the Candidates do not want to choose only my best side. If the start takes place in the high Wahlkampf phase, with the open-hearted volunteers in the country, it will be so that in November everything will be won for the Candidates.

It is gilded: Person for Content and Party. In Germany it is umgekehrt.

The separated fragments are: Sollte is in Deutschland a fact that originated in the US? Documentary maker Stephan Lamby told about an interview in a year, which is now a type of the political core: a typical Lamby in the “Bierzeltpolitiker”: “Der redet gerne, wie is de Schnabel-gewachsen ist.” Consider it Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schröder or Friedrich Merz.

The other type is the day when Lamby is nervous, control and wägt jedes Wort ab – so who Angela Merkel and Olaf Scholz. Wer also know the history of the lost Bundestagswahlen, weiß, welcher Typus in Deutschland zületzt of the hereditary war, lautet sein Fazit.


