
Sonnenblumen im Topf – so wait for you to pass by

Sonnenblumen im Topf – so wait for you to pass by

The Sonnenblume is believed, it is an erroneous Pflege in Topf aber schnell ein. Wir verraten, met welchen Tricks die Pflanze blue.

The sun flower that is marked in the local dialect as Helianthus can grow up to three metres high in the wild. Cultivation If you use the Gute-Laune-Pflanze in the Topf, you can enjoy the care and the sense of smell outside. No worries, with a few things you can do at the topfpflanzen, are the sunburn cores.

Use a topf for your sunflowers with a diameter of at least 30 – 40 centimeters. For larger art forms If there are no larger quantities, there is an optimal root mass to ermöglichen. If you want a drainage, there is a drainage shaft and a drainage shaft from the tonscherben and the choice, which can be very by the sand. The sunscreen is a very dusty substance that is used for sucking up a dust-free compost.

The Topf with the Sunflowers must remain in perfect condition, so that the Pflanzen fell Lightly benötigen. Here you can also enjoy balconies and terraces, which can be viewed from the south – smaller sunny windows can be displayed on the windowsill. When the temperature is high, you can take the photos and say they are a cute and adorable Ort.

Tip: If you make a ranking of a ranking, there is an Abknicken during your high Wachstum prevention.

No sorting is for the culture in the top segment. For balcony cabinets and small tops since different two-story windows are welcome:

Larger Sorts own themselves for large Threads and Tops on the Balcony. Here’s everything you can believe:

Sunflowers are meant for a neat winter garden, lots of water and should be enjoyed today, a warm summer could be on the agenda.

General gilded: If the first Schicht of the Bodenrocknet is, then the Pflanze is erneut. The end of the waiting phase is for the optimal planning, all two weeks with a thin layer or compost will not be carried out.

Beachten Sie, dass Sonnenblumen in Töpfen normallyerweise ainjährige Pflanzen since and in Folgejahr new angepflanzt became müssen.