
MÄRKTE ASIEN/Impulsarm seitwärts – Sydney auf Kurs 10. Tagesplus | 22.08.24

MÄRKTE ASIEN/Impulsarm seitwärts – Sydney auf Kurs 10. Tagesplus | 22.08.24

By Steffen Gosenheimer

TOKYO/HONG KONG (Dow Jones)–An den Börsen in Ostasien und Australien tut sich am Donnerstag in der Breite little, auch wenn der Grundton positiv ist. Die Indizes zegen nur sehr kleine Ausschläge nach both Seiten. Marktbeobachters spoke about the fresh impulses and the warten of the actions of the US-Notenbankchef Powell at the Freitag at the Notenbanken-Symposium in Jackson Hole. The Nikkei Index in Tokyo increased by 0.4 percent to 38,094 points, in Hong Kong it increased by 0.4 percent, while the prices of the Kospi in Seoul and the Shanghai Composite are as good as they are.

In South Korea, the dry Nutbank has more health benefits than the Leitzinsen unchanged, the Forecasts for Inflation and Wachstum aber gesenkt. That’s what it is about, that’s what it means, that’s what it’s all about Sensation dared to come.

This is the result of a clear protocol of the young US-Notebanksitzung brought with it a great deal of information, which is also signalized by the market during the next Fed-Meetings in September.

Unterstützt wurde die Zinssenkungserwartung von der einmal jährlich stattfindenden Revision des Stellenzuwachses in den USA. This is the result of March 2023 bis March 2024 round 800,000 Couples are not yet available, if they are based on the basis of the monatlichen data, they will be replaced. It was clear that the historically large Korrektur nach unten. The Zahl deute darauf hin, dass der Arbeitsmarkt fell früher as ursprünglich angenommen nachgegeben habe, so die Ökonomen der Commerzbank.

Our customers see them in Hong Kong. CSPC Pharmaceutical sacken dagegen um 12.0 Prozent ab. Here we take care of the resulting delays for sales pressure.

In Sydney, if the S&P/ASX were to be reported on the market, the Gold Buyer Northern Star would receive a profit of 9.1 percent, and the price would be 1.6 percent. At Whitehaven (+5.4%) you will get the best results, this man is a 30-year-old with a first-class purchase of a Japanese Stahlhersteller.

Index (Börse) jijetzt +/- % % YTD Ende

S&P/ASX 200 (Sydney) 8,030.00 +0.2% +5.8% 08:00

Nikkei-225 (Tokyo) 38,093.66 +0.4% +13.7% 08:00

Kospi (Seoul) 2,698.53 -0.1% +1.6% 08:00

Shanghai Comp. 2,855.56 -0.0% -4.0% 09:00

Hang-Seng (Hongk.) 17,460.54 +0.4% +2.6% 10:00

Straits-Times (Sing.) 3,361.84 -0.4% +4.0% 11:00

KLCI (Malaysia) 1,637.31 +0.1% +12.9% 11:00

DEVISEN Zuletzt +/- % 00:00 Mi, 9:07 % YTD

EUR/USD 1.1144 -0.0% 1.1149 1.1124 +0.9%

EUR/JPY 161.67 -0.1% 161.81 162.33 +3.9%

EUR/GBP 0.8517 +0.0% 0.8516 0.8539 -1.8%

GBP/USD 1.3084 -0.1% 1.3094 1.3027 +2.8%

USD/JPY 145.09 -0.1% 145.18 145.91 +3.0%

USD/KRW 1,336.09 +0.1% 1,334.53 1,336.19 +2.9%

USD/CNY 7.1111 -0.0% 7.1115 7.1116 +0.2%

USD/CNH 7.1289 -0.0% 7.1324 7.1278 +2.0%

USD/HKD 7.7946 +0.0% 7.7934 7.7904 -0.2%

AUD/USD 0.6732 -0.2% 0.6743 0.6745 -1.1%

NZD/USD 0.6151 -0.1% 0.6156 0.6145 -2.7%


BTC/USD 60,653.10 -1.0% 61,260.60 59,742.00 +39.3%

ROHOEL VT-Settlem. +/- % +/- USD % YTD

WTI/Nymex 71.79 71.93 -0.2% -0.14 +1.1%

Brent/ICE 76.00 76.05 -0.1% -0.05 +0.9%

METALLE jijetzt Vortag +/- % +/- USD % YTD

Gold (Spot) 2,499.70 2,512.29 -0.5% -12.59 +21.2%

Silver (Spot) 29.40 29.68 -0.9% -0.27 +23.7%

Platinum (Spot) 964.75 968.50 -0.4% -3.75 -2.8%

Kupfer-Future 4.19 4.19 +0.1% +0.00 +6.4%

YTD bezogen auf Schlusskurs des Vortags

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 22, 2024 00:46 ET (04:46 GMT)