
Erfreuliches Ergebnis in the first half year 2024 thanks practically fullvermietetem Portfolio » AnlegerPlus

Erfreuliches Ergebnis in the first half year 2024 thanks practically fullvermietetem Portfolio » AnlegerPlus

  • The Konzernergebnis lagged behind at CHF 28.2 million. deutlich über dem Vorjahreswert (CHF 1.9 million)
  • The group equity of a new company and a portion of the shares is only 0.4% on CHF 18.1 million.
  • The loan rebate is higher than in half year 2024, 3.1% at CHF 33.8 million.
  • The learning ratio will be reduced by a rate of 0.7% (3.9% as of December 31, 2023)
  • The unsatisfactory state of the situation means that the Mieterträge flight is operated with a new value of CHF 11.5 million.
  • The portfolio amounts to CHF 14.9 million. at CHF 1.84 billion.
  • The solid equity remained unchanged at 54.9% as of June 30, 2024.
  • The Suurstoffi-Areal wurde von der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Nachhaltige Immobilienwirtschaft (SGNI) as first Area in der Schweiz with the DGNB-Zertifikat in Platin for nachhaltige Quartiere in Planung und Realisierung ausgezeichnet

The Konzernergebnis of Zug Estates had a great experience in Halbjahr 2024. The environment after which it is attractive and comfortable, but the environment is dynamic and the economic and living environment is more intact and the environment is limited. Together with the rich understanding of the past, this is a striking learning quote and an appreciation of the Liegenschaftenertrags achieved.

When the two leaders of the Nationalbank Zinsumfeld started working on the financing of the Finanzierungsumfeld in 2024, it was a fact that the financing had a positive impact on the economy and the positive impact of the Liegenschaft.

The Konzernergebnis lagged behind at CHF 28.2 million. um CHF 26.3 million. Deutlich über dem Vorjahreswert von CHF 1,9 Mio., was in im Vergleich zur Vorjahreperiod positives Neubewertungsergebnis zurückzuführen ist. A new company and a special financial company are only worth a little CHF 0.1 million. bzw. 0.4% of CHF 18.0 million. at CHF 18.1 million.

Higher Liegenschaftenertrag und Zurückhaltung bei Hotelübernachtungen
The Liegenschaftenertrag is higher than CHF 1.0 million. bzw. 3.1% of CHF 32.8 million. at CHF 33.8 million. Ursache here is the German reduzierte Leerstandsquote, which is in the Vorjahre period of Umbaumassnahmen at Retailflächen in the Einkaufs-Allee Metalli in Zug beeinflusst wurde. I would like to know about the previous period between the expectations of the Liegenschaftenertrags and a Like-for-Like-Betrachtung CHF 0.7 Mio. bzw. 2.1%.

In the Hotel & Gastronomy segment is an important link in the wide range of activities in the Buchung of business trips and events. You will receive a discount on the Hotel & Gastronomy costs of CHF 0.4 million. bzw. 5.5% from CHF 8.1 million. to CHF 7.7 million. geführt. The gross operating profit (GOP) fell from 42.3% to 37.8% and was a year later in the gastronomy one of the most important things that in the hotel sector was one of the best Margin customers.

The amount is high if the bet amounts to CHF 0.5 million. i.e. 1.2% of CHF 42.9 million. on CHF 43.4 million. The Betriebsaufwand is high enough to reach CHF 0.1 million. i.e. 0.6% of CHF 15.7 million. on CHF 15.8 million.

Higher portfolio value
The market value of the composite portfolios is primarily due to the new value of CHF 14.9 million. bzw. 0.8% of CHF 1,827.7 million. as of December 31, 2023 for CHF 1,842.6 million. as of June 30, 2024. The new valuation gain of CHF 11.5 million. (Previous period: new interest of CHF 18.3 million) or a round of 0.7% of the portfolio were with a comparable interest yield in the smooth business situation and the increase in the default rate. The final real discount rate remained unchanged at 2.90% as of June 30, 2024 for the previous year (2.91% as of the end of 2023).

During the notification period, CHF 3.5 million was collected. invest in the Portfolio. Im for a price of CHF 22,8 Mio., we spent the largest amount of time on the basis of the benefits of the Miteigentumsanteilen an der Miteigentümerschaft (MEG) Metalli zurückzuführen war.

Solid Equity Quote
The effective operating company has made a large investment in the portfolio which has resulted in a dividend payout of CHF 22.4 million. zu a lower discount on capital expenditure of CHF 1.5 million. bzw. 0.2%. It sank from CHF 674.2 million. as of 31. December 2023 for CHF 672.7 million. as of 30. June 2024. The previous fabricated capitalizations and the Bilanz-summe have fallen back as the sister of the portfolios from 37.3% to 37.0%.

The solid equity remains unchanged at 54.9% as of June 30, 2024.

Because there is no longer any large financing available, the term of the financing is reduced from 3.5 years per 31 years. December 2023 is 3.0 years per 30 years. June 2024. The continuous sentence is on June 1, 2024 verblieb 0.5%.

Markante Reduction der Leerstandsquote
Immediately after half-term 2024, we can continue our journey within 3’700 m2 with a cash prize of CHF 1.5 million. pa verlanger or new abgeschlossen. De Vertragsabschlüsse betrafen sowohl Büroflächen in Zug und Rotkreuz als auch Retailflächen in der Metalli. So the Liegenschaft Suurstoffi 14, which was thoroughly enjoyed by Novartis, was completely lost.

In the reporting period, part of the reporting period is concluded with the payment requirements in the form of a significant reduction in the learning ratio. The learning ratio is reduced from 3.9% as of December 31, 2023 to 0.7% as of June 30, 2024. The weight of the average interest charges (WAULT) is 6.1 years (6.5 years as of December 31, 2023) lower at a sector-wide very high level.

New retail and gastronomy addition in Zentrumsareal
Der Umbau der ehemaligen Zara-Fläche in der Einkaufs-Allee Metalli might disappear. The erdgeschössfläche can go unnoticed in three drawers and be connected to the erdgeschössss in a davon. In April and May 2024, Lidl (Lebensmittel), doodah and PME Legend (in addition to Bekleidung) will be in their new Ladengeschäfte-offnet.

Kurz vor Abschluss steht züdem die April 2023 laufende, omfassende Sanierung der unter Denkmalschutz stehenden Liegenschaft Bären. At the end of August 2024, Tibits AG moved into the Traditionshaus ihr erstes Lokal in Zug.

Construction starts for Baufeld in the Suurstoffi End 2024
The start of construction work for the letzte has never been realized Baufeld in the Suurstoffi-Areal-laufen on Hochtouren. Die Erstellung derboth Gebäude S43/45 met insgesamt beef 14’400 m2 Büro- und Schulungsflächen is 1,100 m away2 Living areas for student residents will lose a four-year investment in the next three years with a bovine of CHF 85 Mio. aus.

The construction start is at the end of 2024 and the first years that started in 2027 will last for a while. The Flächen für studentisches Wohnen were hired and involved by the Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). The agency and debt counselors have started to start a market and talk to interested parties for the attractive and flexible useful enterprises in both Gebäuden-laufen.

Weiterentwicklung Lebensraum Metalli
De Klärung der Umsetzung der angenommenen Initiative «2000 Wohnungen für den Zuger Mittelstand» at Projekt Lebensraum Metalli ist am Laufen. The Forderung, which in all the Verdichtungsgebieten less than 40% of the new first Wohnflächen preisgünstig sein müssen, hat Auswirkungen on both Bebauungspläne Metalli and Bergli, is not really vernachlässigbar. Zug Estates works here within the framework of the city’s construction hurdles, and takes care of the installation and optimization of projects in the project.

If the development activities of the Zug Estates initiative take up, the passage of the development plans in the mountains has not continued and the focus is on the metal development plan of legends. Work was done on the development of the city with the project development and the construction plan for the development of the initiatives of the initiative. It is a fact that the work has been completed until the end of 2024, so it is a matter of a second tender of projects – of the political process of the metalworking of the construction plans in 2025 started and can be implemented.

Fuel tank area with DGNB certificate marked in platinum
Zug Estates has often looked at the costs for years and included the reduction of gas emissions in the operation, which is the case with the establishment of the insurance companies, such as the creation and the steady recovery of future-proof and feasible living spaces. The high ambitions of Zug Estates have now passed one of the best DGNB certifications. In March 2024, the insurance company was the first area in Switzerland to receive the DGNB certification from the Swiss Society for Sustainable Real Estate Management (SGNI) in Platin for sustainable districts in the planning and realization of designations.

Positive Outlook 2024
Thanks to the thorough results in the years 2023 and the first half of 2024, the index and reference transitions in the Real Estate segment have been achieved within the framework of a higher mortgage and an operational agreement. The learning rate will be significantly lower at the end of 2024 than in the previous year.

In the Hotel & Gastronomy segment offers an overview of the scale of the problems in a larger whole, which is somewhat at the level of the level. Ebenfalls in the area of ​​the previous year was defeated by the GOP margin.

The purchase amount will be increased in 2024 for a new company and a lower value of CHF 35 million.

Berichterstattung dated August 22, 2024
At 2:00 p.m., a video conference for analysts and media will take place in Deutsch statt. CEO Patrik Stillhart and CFO Mirko Käppeli were presented in 2024 and included in the Anschluss questions.

Please refer to the information below for further information Link an. You can visit your Teilnahme.

Find the outgoing message from Halbjahr via the video conference presentation on our website: