
Luppoleti Aperti 2024: Enjoy your beer with your beer, and drink it with Blue Krabbe

Luppoleti Aperti 2024: Enjoy your beer with your beer, and drink it with Blue Krabbe

Sunday, August 25, 2024, from 4 p.m. to 12 p.m., an engaging and informal experience, sponsored by Consorzio Birra Italiana and Coldiretti. Blue Crab Beer, a play for anyone who might encounter a problem with a chance for innovation.

The world of Italian farmer We are willing to commit to a deadline for two years of enjoyment “Open hop plantations”a Veranstaltung, the slip of the tongue, the brand identity of enthusiastic and eager to see themselves. Gefördert von Italian beer consortium and ChillsThe Veranstaltung feert local roast beer and offers a unique opportunity, the Welt des Hopfens of the Ernte bis their Production zu endecken.

The association

Tagsover on sunday August 25, 2024Between 16 and 00 Uhr haben Besucher die Möglichkeit, an einer real Reise ins Herz von teilzunehmen Beer production. From the perspective of the wine making process, the experience can be a practical and exciting experience. Sensory and creative workshops were organized, which experienced life, the Hopfenhain through the activities on deck, which rained all sins: vom Geschmack and Geruch bis zum Sehen en Fühlen. Die Teilnehmer können die in Klang übersetzten “Frequenzen” des Hopfens hören and a special artistic Workshops teilnehmen.

Moments of relaxation and fun are not lacking: Concerts, shows for children and picnics with regional specialities and farmer’s beer guarantee some old-fashioned Afternoon tea for the whole family. If you want to involve the guests of the Hopfenhain company, try local products and sell a product, the beer of Il Giardino delle Luppole and a new, alcohol-free HopGingerBeer on the basis of Ingwer and Hopfen umfasst. More information about the sale can be found on the website of Italian beer consortiums.

The situation of the sectors and the profile of the users

I Italienischer landwirtschaftlicher Biersektor Face up Exceptions induced climatic conditions are important. Dort Duration It is clear that the Gerstenernte is strong, while the rainfall in the North is seriously disrupting. In this complex situation, beer tourism is positive. Beer tourism is waiting, and many traveling, especially young people, such authentic erlebnisse and high-quality craft beers.

An analysis by Coldiretti and the current data said that it is Beer consumer In Italian it is likely that Wobei Manager, Freiberufler and Selbständige am häufigsten have fork bowls. Auch bei Absolventen ist Bier faith. Regionally speaking on Sardinia and Friaul is the area with the high Verbraucherzahl, where the Basilikata am Ende der Rangliste lies.

Blue crab beer

Interesting new features will emerge Blue Crab Farmcries from Alessia Parisatto and my Coldiretti Giovani Impresa-Team. This Krabbe, who is gilded as a problem for the Venezian Fischerei, would have wandered into a dunkles Stout, which is inspired by the Irish Austern-Stout-Tradition. There is a problem with a problem with a chance for innovation and the care for herausforderungen with creative solutions.

“Luppoleti Aperti” is one of the most successful agricultural products ever, while Italian agriculture does not exist, but the complexity and innovation are so attractive that the sector compares to the würdigen.