
Italian: Julia Prestia and her Traumhotel in Emilia Romagna

Italian: Julia Prestia and her Traumhotel in Emilia Romagna

Endless walks
Who is Julia Prestia den Traum vom own Hotel in the Italian province?

Julia Roncolo

Julia Prestia hat der Finanzbranche in London de Rücken gekehrt and sich in der italienischen Provinz de Traum vom eigenen Hotel erüllt

© Roncolo

Julia Prestia hates an idyllic hotel, in her own little paradise. After years in the London financial sector, everything is put on a map.

If someone found something like that, then it’s one of the other things. Davon bin ich überzeugt. If we know that we have received money in the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, it becomes a Zufall. And if you say that, it is so that you have to know that you have to come to these countries of the world.

When I think like this, I have a personal touch to getting my own hotel in the nature of my life. A small, nice and personal Boutique-Hotel, maybe with its own farm. Schoner my Studiums and the first time they work in the financial sector in London, is how they are played with their gratitude – it is so easy to move on. If I have not thought about it, the trauma could influence reality.

Statistics are after the Studium quickly 20 years long in London gelebt, in the financial sector and a dort my Italian Mann kentgelernt and four miraculous childrenbegommen. A war is still a fact, the seriousness is one of the most important things we can think of. My Mann had his mothers geschaftlich in the fight to get a Reggio Emilia, and a a woman has with her Ganze then a gemeinsamen Wochenende in the state of Emilia-Romagna connected. There are a few romantic women who are at work – and it is very nice to start with traumas. Man muss dazu wissen: eigenheden will last longer, I am at work – and the power is a show of power in the past.

There is a mean friend who has left the world – the Tenuta of Roncolo.

A unique, historical presence in the family. Damask in the family of a family, who have cherished their life and as a winery, that is one of the following things. A war has started and war has been fought, but it may be that you get a chance to discover and enjoy – in the idyllic atmosphere of Emilia, the beautiful weather and fashion, a dream of your own boutique hotel in Italy that you can realize. Also I have Mann and I am one of the plans and the presentation of the planning, which can increase the expectations.

Luxus-Hotel with great privacy

In Italian it is likely that Roncolo is a strange factor that Fleck has with an unglazed potential. The environment is not touristy, but man can not be authentic here, but have an Italian experience. The war that preceded the war could become a complete war – a punkt, which could mean my next war. It is also very nice to know that the Landwirtschaft on our sins in the Vorbesitzer produces more water and wine, balms and olives.

While the sanierungsbedürftigen Herrenhaus and the others enjoyed in the last year of the first Luxushotel in Emilia geschaffen, has now become a “Small Luxury Hotel”. The living environment of a private home in a hotel is a great Herausforderung, which is still the case. I have found every detail myself the best, from the planning of the conversion, over the elaboration with Italian design from the middle of the century with its decoration. Im Relais Roncolo 1888 has also received much more personal character.

I am very nature-oriented and environmentally conscious. The task, which can be a sustainable agricultural management, could very likely fail. If you want to buy a lot of products, you can make most of the products with a few meals in our restaurant in the Limonaia for all own and local products. The intestinal tract is a fix point in the mind and this construction is very heavy. If you are worried about a personal meal with a carefree guest. If you see that emotions disappear in Paradise.

The Mut to Dream

Our host family is an exclusive, hidden jewel – a wicked life in nature, the luxury of our houses and the natural erholung of Alltag, in a non-covered and authentic Italian language. If you have visited a Luxushotel, this is here in Emilia nor the case. With the annual presentation for guests, the knowledge that people know and can enjoy their Food Valley and Motor Valley, it is not likely that they eat something or of course one of the woolen relais-roncolos.

In Italy you have found a new Zuhause fund in Milan. The city and the country of the country have got an odd duck in the pond. If you have a wonderful friend, who is a Neuanfang, it has gone well. Vielleicht has ich mich deshalb so sehr in Milan verliebt. The city has an energyless energy, is international, but also not with a great Dolce Vita status. It is a great challenge to create a great creativity and art and architecture. The designer, the city in which the city is located, has received much more inspiration from the shape of the hotels. One can say that the war in Milan is a my Muse. The Beauty of the City falls under all the details of the Turklinken and the Eingänge, which are constantly restoring newer Schätze.

Quickly, once it is so, the first part of the Wechsel nach Italiaanse nachgedacht, this is what happened. I first started with my husband, when I am thinking for a moment, and it is the first time that he no longer knows. Damals have often thought that it has been a while since there was a trauma to life. And then the thread is a lot simpler. Manchmal can not understand it himself – but I am unendlich froh, that we have to face this great and life-changing divorce.

aufgezeichnet by Leonie Zimmermann