
Street worker Phillip Bock in Ganderkesee: Jugendarbeit mit Vertrauen

Street worker Phillip Bock in Ganderkesee: Jugendarbeit mit Vertrauen

“No way,” said Phillip Bock, “would have been sucked through the Bookholzberg with a few young people and played Pokémon-Go.” It was for a Job that he did not want a man to think. As of 2022, Bock (as a follower of Christian Manig) is now a street worker for the Ganderkesee municipality, and in the young session of the Australian and Society that has made its Tätigkeit in the municipality of the political core, was no longer so. The middle meadows were youthful and in many cases reached as a “hard attainable soul group” were.

A central component of the mobile phone is that the fear is so small that it is possible to gestalten. If you want, you can use a free basic function and an anonymous display. If you start working as a street worker, it may be that there is a problem with the youth of the street worker. And now that we are in constant contact, it may be that the boats come on the boat. “Ich mache meine Arbeit nicht für die Jugendlichen, sondern mit de Jugendlichen”, Bock also named the Partizipation as important elements of the Tuns.

Opportunity in the backpack space

If the Grundsätzen in the packaging also end up in the “Lebenswelt der Jugendlichen”, and on debts or in other Rückzugsräumen, which in the Gemeinde not all can be found, will find. It is an individual who deals with the interests of all tags, which is a problem for the problems at school or in the parental home and much more, the own enterprise that is founded.

“It is a very strict step to make the click in the atmosphere and policy of the youth”, while Bock is celebrated. So it is a great experience with the young age with the great Kochevent “Tasty Tuesday” in the Jugendraum Horst, Mitternachtssport in Ganderkesee, Heide or Bookholzberg or a Graffiti project. Ferner sei is dabei, the youth team will experience life again: “For the time being, it is a safe circle of five to six members”, reports Bock, although he knew that it is not at all easy to achieve a higher degree of commitment. Contingent if you get started again, for Anfang 2025 a larger party on the good cause.

Nicht als Ordnungsinstanz belowwegs

SPD Councillor Ulf Moritz naturally wants to know what the street worker says about his knowledge of drug consumption. There is a debt that is caused by the debt and the right ends. Bock does not believe in this point at all to lock himself out of the reserve and concretely abermals, that is nothing more than an ordinance policy in the community underneath. If the appeal is influenced by the youth of the youth, the perspective of neighbours is a lot better and the music and it becomes more and more fun to listen to. This usually also sounds very good. The money is on the Bolzplatz and the Dürerstraße, while the Beschaffenheit der Banden is a greater source of laughter. One thing has never happened more than that: the story of the customer has a lighter representation of the game on the set.

To the bag

Ferienpass: Erfolgreiche Bilanz

Kerstin Röhl, organizer of the Holiday Passes in the Municipality of Ganderkesee, has decided in the Ausschuss für Soziales en Gesellschaft to abandon the holiday passes. With 124 activities it is no longer possible to buy a new boat, but the registration of the war with 896 is not so much fun. Since they are not the same as the soul, even more changes can be made because of this, it is possible that children and young people have more difficulty with learning, understanding Röhl. In the Altersgruppe der Sechs-bis Elfjährigen laufe der Ferienpass super, allendings sei es zunehmend schwierig, Jugendliche zischen zwölf and 16 years anzusprechen.

In a grim night fragmented way, the man learned a lot, flexible to respond, etc., a compensation for one of the sister bus organizers. Who was at the Fahrt in the Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen: “That was a long journey. That was the bus inside the house within 15 minutes,” reported Röhl. The organizer is no more than the entire country of Helfern, among the Vereinen and Institutionen, which has created an Anbieterseite on the Ferienpass. Man versüge inzwischen über een guts Netzwerk, or de zahlreichen Kreativangebote in de Jugendzentren seien sehr guts gewesen.

Auch die Schulkinderbetreuung in de Ferien sei gut gelaufen, erklärte Röhl. In this region it has been 95 years since children have been healed.

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